VP2 getting false 79 MPH wind gust spikes

Did something change? There are many long time VP/WD users and this problem hasn’t shown up previously.

My concern as well. Not that a 70 mph has a high probability of occurring in any given year, it is certainly possible. My all-time peak recorded gust is 69 mph.

Would be curious to know if those that have experienced this problem see it in weatherlink as well? Fortunately I have not experienced this issue.

note that normal gusts are picked up
its just a double check compare with the max gust for the day stored on the console
do not worry so much

it just will most likely be something going wrong with that data for the function to get the max gust reading from the console, sometimes returning a false value
I will put some more checks in place (i.e to ignore the 79 value)



Do we have any news on this? I just started using WD from VWS a couple weeks ago and I have never had a problem until Aug 1st as I also recorded a 79 mph gust. I checked the console for that day it occurred and it showed the highest gust for that day was 12 mph. WeatherLink showed the same 12 mph gust for that day. Not a huge problem but it seems that this is a problem on the WD side and not with Davis. I am sure if it was with Davis they would have had this brought to their attention by much more users by now and issued a firmware update for it.

This is very annoying!! I got another spike. #-o #-o :?
Gust Month: 79.0 Aug 10 9:25 AM
Gust Year: 79.0 Aug 10 9:25 AM

What do I press on the VP2 console to see if it was recorded there?

EDIT: The wind spike was not recorded in the VP2

I hope if it is a WD thing that Brian can find it.

Hi all, Using a WMR100 here and WD 10.37L

I have made adjustments to the windspeed and gustspeed offset - set to 150% to get readings that match the apparent conditions outside.

However - every so often I get a wind gust spike of 100mph plus. I read here of others having similar issues - is the offset way to high at 150% and could this be causing the issue. Anyone else with a WMR100 found this. Without the adjustment to the offset windspeeds are very low.



Page 28 of console manual “Viewing Highs and Lows”

Viewing Highs and Lows

  1. Press HI/LOW to enter the Highs and Lows mode.
    The DAY and HIGHS icons light up and the station displays the highs for
    all visible fields.
  2. Press the up and down arrows to scroll between Day Highs, Day Lows,
    Month Highs, Month Lows, Year Highs and Year Lows.
    The HIGH or LOW icon, as well the DAY, MONTH or YEAR icon lights to
    display which High/Low screen you

Thanks Linda for the instructions

EDIT: The wind spike was not recorded in the VP2

Could it be a spike from the VP2 Cable to the serial port on the computer?

I hope if it is a WD thing that Brian can find it.

Do you have a working weatherlink install somewhere? I would set up a new WL station, download the data logger archive and see if it the value is in there.

I also had a spike of exactly 79 mph back in March. I tried to reload the data from the logger, because the spike was not there in the console. But it would not go away. I finally had to go in and manually edit it out. It hasn’t happened since, and I was hoping it was a fluke, but now I’m not sure.

Just thought I would say I got my first 79 MPH wind guest spike. :?

What is the best way to remove this false reading from WD once it happens?