Solar and ET data is(ET drops to 0 then recovers after real time) missing during data extraction on both the standard and real time graphs. The Vantage pro log file (112004vantagelog.txt) is getting a low incorrect entry for solar also. The UV is recording OK.
Also the ET scale on the real time graph has all zeros. .01, .02, ETC.
I do have plot WD own ET and use graph 4 checked. The solar was working in a much earlier version. ET never has.
This occurs in my one minuet real time version and in my 15 minuet test verison in a second install (2wd.txt).
In the 15 minuet version I found if i round up the Davis download time to the nearest 15 (you could use the current padding to fit all possibilities) in the wdisplay2.ini file that WD would only down load the necessary data. It would not start from the beginning. This saves a lot of unnecessary downloading. This would be a improvement for those that run other than one minuet intervals.