The text “rain days this month” is cut off in the raindetail.gif
I can see a a little bit off the character.
A little concentratet on the precipitation this days
The text “rain days this month” is cut off in the raindetail.gif
I can see a a little bit off the character.
A little concentratet on the precipitation this days
I noticed the same thing after reading your post.
Brian must have added this feature recently - a little alignment is in order.
Nice feature to have - I’ve had that question asked of me before.
I am experiencing this with the bottom of the image cut off. It also happens on the three records images (month, year, and all time). Version 10.27M
it will be with the use of windows XP and its extra wide (i.e tall) window title bar
i use wiondows 2000, so i dont have this or cant see it…
but i can fix it…
or you can set XP to classic windows mode
Thanks Brian
A fix when you have the time would be nice.
I switched to Classic mode. The last line of alltimerecords.gif is still cut off. And autoscale graphs and realtime graph is cut off on the right side.
all time records i have suffled around, so that the soil does not show if you dont have that…
what is the url to the images that need fixing?
ok, those right side issues can be fixed by increasing your windows desktop screen resolution to above 800x600
You can still use Win XP and keep it from cutting off the bottom of the all timerecords and raindetail by setting the Active Title Bar font to 9 Defualt it is 10.
From the contol panel go to Display then the Appearance tab click the advanced tab and select Active Tile Bar in the pull down, in the font box set it to 9 and apply,ok.
Seems to work fine now set to that for me.
good advice firewx
that should be a FAQ !
i have uploaded a new 10.27n with the real time graph not as wide…and the same for the auto scale graphs
that should help