Version question

I need a mental refresher .

There two versions of WD that comes up on the download page. I have always assumed that the Beta was for those with Davis Vantage Pro and the other was for the normal people. I use the Beta. OR am I off on this one? :roll:

the beta is the latest one, with a new fix or something… so think version 10.14j with a little different code to fix an issue

the other is the standard 10.14j release without the new code


I need a mental refresher .

There two versions of WD that comes up on the download page. I have always assumed that the Beta was for those with Davis Vantage Pro and the other was for the normal people. I use the Beta. OR am I off on this one? :roll:

I assume the Beta version is for users that like to test Beta products and the other is for the normal people (who keep an older download of WD to revert to if the normal version is really a Beta version). :roll:

What does it mean when the Beta Version is 10.14j and the “Regular” version is 10.15?

Not to pick on Brian, knowing what he is going through right now. But I have seen where the regular version has crept past the beta version. I assume it is just a matter of realizing that the latest 10.15 (in this case) has all the fixes that were being tried in 10.14j and it was pretty late at night. Or was in the process of uploading.

yes, normaly the beta one has the latest fixes/changes/improvements

and normaly the normal one i updated a bit later, in case the beta one screws things up badly, and so there is an older version to fall back to
in the latest case, i did it the other way around, just the way it worked out, LOL

AHAH ! no wonder I wondered why some things were a tad different. The lad from down under “Download the BEta” now I understand.

now where is that Beta. In the gold fish bowl again