There might be some problem in reading the config.xml between version 2.01e and 2.01i.
Here’s the 2.01e:
And here’s the same config with 2.01i:
As you can seen the hunidity meter has gone, as well as the Pressure textInstrument.
This is with the exact same config.xml. Hope this helps getting out the final release
The url is
I point to wdlv2_01.swf. This is the e version. To use the i version, I replace wdlv2_01.swf with wdlv2_01i.swf and rename it to wdlv2_01.swf. The only changes I made to the supplied config, was to replace the evaluation with my serialno , disable the UV and Solar parts, as I don’t have them and replaced the standard pressure with hPa.
Main page is at Clicking the summary links to a page with Weather-display details.
Clicking the Gizmo links to the wdl page. Currently it’s running v2_01e as the i version skips the humidity details.
There were some changes made to the config file between e and i. If you’re upgrading between them and keeping your existing config (not using one of the package configs) you’ll need to do the following -
Add the following tags after the last of the tags-
There were some changes made to the config file between e and i. If you're upgrading between them and keeping your existing config (not using one of the package configs) you'll need to do the following
That did the trick. Thanks Julian. Serves Brian right for not supplying these details :twisted: :twisted: