Vers 3.5 zip is ready

Davis VP data extraction at start up works now
(and it udpates the real time graphs)
solar real time graphing works now
some changes to wunderground almanac

MYSQL support is coming soon

i had one problem… if i stopped the data logger download, it would never connect to the station

with the abort?
yeah, its not quite finishing up cleanly…i will do more work and compare with the windows one
but, letting it finish, and get to the 2 nd stage (the 2nd bar below starts to work), then eveything should be Ok
anyway, good progress huh, and it proves i am still working on the linux verison, as time permits :slight_smile:
i have purchased a component for the mysql, just waiting on that

the problem with the data logger, is if i do abort, i will not download anymore data…
however, if i don’t abort it, WD finds very odd values and messes up the graphs

it will also find like large amounts of rain, that never fell (I cleared the data logger with wl) :?
so i have to fix the rain totals for the day, month, year

ok, i need to fire up my linux again…soon…
but try , in the misc settings, unticking about graph time dealy…something like that,i cant remember now

i found the problem :smiley: … the vptemplog.txt is not getting over-written… so it using the oldest data download. if you delete that file, it works much better :stuck_out_tongue:

ah ha!
yes, I forgot to clear it
(thats what happens when you copy code from the windows to the linux version, you miss crucial lines of code)
i will fire up the linux today and fix that
(and the abort too)

3.6 zip is ready

also improved the fonts

and started work on the auto scale graphs (its working , but needs more work (not in version uploaded though, it produces an error)
getting there…

I have been getting this error a lot lately(3 times in the last couple hours)…
[code:1]./ line 20: 1582 Broken pipe ./WeatherD[/code:1]
and it causes the program to quit
I think it might be linked to so sort of internet thing, it appears to be at update times :?

is that just happend with the latest 3.6?
i didnt change anything with the internet stuff…

broken pipe…does sound like a lost internet connection/or lost connection to a ftp server, etc, is causing problems maybe?
(as the ftp /internet part is built into the linux version)

i had just turned on APRS (it had always caused WD to quit before, but not cause this error). I turned off APRS, i will see if this fixes the problem :idea:

now that i have internet conneciton with the linux setup, i will try some aprs uploads…but , yes, if the aprs server causes any hiccups, it sure could make it spit the dummy…

that must be it… no errors for the last 6-7 hours :smiley:

are the font changes looking better in 3.6?
i will do some more work soon, like getting the auto scale graphs working (nearly there), and look at the mysql too…but i dont know how much demand there is for that