Vantage Vue

For 40 bucks more I would much rather have a Wireless Vantage Pro 2 from Ambient @ $396.95, I don’t get it :?

How are you supposed to position this new station as recommended?

Temp sensor 5 feet or so above ground and the wind sensor 30 feet above?


You would need a pretty sturdy pole to put that whole thing up 30’.

Interesting that Davis doesn’t advertise it yet on their site.

Google search result, but it’s not listed on the linked davisnet page:

I kind of like the receiver being table top sort of …

that url leads nowhere that shows this model. I am wondering if it isn’t on their site yet,but it has been sent to the search engine. I think just out of curiosity, I am going to ask their sales dept about it…see what they have to say.

Hopefully this isn’t considered spam, as on topic.

The 6250 Vantage Vue Complete Station is now available on RainmanWeather, shipping September 1st.

I have put up more images and link to detailed specs doc. Manuals are available in the Tech Support section. Please let me know if you have any questions.


I think you’ll see much more comprehensive info up on the Davis site very shortly - I’m guessing next week now.

For information, the complete Vue station is 6250, the Vue console is 6351 and the Vue ISS is 6357. The Vue units accept the standard WL loggers and, AFAIK (not had a chance to check in detail yet), the data output formats are therefore identical to the VP/VP2.

Wireless is fully compatible between VP2 and Vue, so eg it’s possible to use a Vue console as an extra console on a VP2 system.

I think it’ll be a while before US discount pricing settles down. At present the Vue is a totally new product (so new in fact that’s it’s not even shipping yet) and so indicated % discounts are small relative to the VP2. That situation will presumably change.

Edit: Here’s a couple of images of Vue console and ISS:



Google search “vantage vue” and click on the “cached” link, looks like they took it down from the site.

in any case, the price for no solar or UV is not bad. and they do say that the VP2 will work with it. the console on one site was 175$.

I went through the instruction manual and they were saying ideally 5 -7 feet above the surface, 100 feet from concrete and not to fall off the roof.

So I am guessing one could mount it on a 30 foot pole with the caveat… you have to be able to bring it down and replace the backup battery and other maintenance such as bird poop in the rain pan…

I can see where the VUE has it’s place. I know folks that would probably spring for one of these because of it’s utter simplicity in installation. If they could have included a serial port, and just used what small data logging it already has for roughly the same price, it would indeed fly off the shelves from the less-geeky weather crowd.

I can see this being of potential interest to the Storm Chasing Crowd and boaters…


I am a little baffled myself, I take it the temp sensor is built in to that as well? if so mounting is not
going to be within standards, anemometer is supposed to 10m above ground, but the temp is supposed
to be 2m above ground and im sure the rain bucket shouldnt be 10m, so i think you might be right there
Bob, specifically for the boaters and chasers?

Bashy, I don’t think the crowd that this is aimed at will particulary care about proper mounting heights.
I can see this eventually possibly getting down to the $300 or less range.
Davis is probably trying to compete with the Oregon, Lacross, etc. stations.

I think the question is how much more would anyone pay for a vantage vue + weatherlink over a station like a WMR200, which is about $280 with the PC interface built in.

I was dreading the release of this product.
Having just recently shelled out for a VP2 Pro Plus I was concerned I might end up with buyers remorse, arh well that sure isnt the case.

I dislike the iss but i think it will be a good base model for davis. I will however be getting the console to add on to my Vp2(have console and envoy now want another console) so i will get the vue console when ambient gets it.


I agree with this. Bear in mind that forums like this aren’t necessarily very representative of the people who buy weather stations more generally. There are all sorts of reasons why some - probably many - users will buy a Vue even though it can’t separate the sensors as per standard recommendations (except that it is possible AIUI to use a separate 6332 VP2 Tx and anemometer with a Vue, though I can’t imagine many users taking this option given the price positioning of the Vue.)

Some users will welcome the sheer simplicity of the Vue, even if some of the data readings will be a bit compromised, including as mentioned those looking for a mobile/readily transportable system. A lot of schools will I imagine also appreciate this simplicity (and remember that most schools don’t mount the sensors on the ground anyway because of concerns about petty vandalism and typically end up using a flat roof as the location for all sensors.) Also, quite a percentage of AWS buyers are actually focused on some specific readings (eg wind speed/direction or temp/hum/rainfall) and seem unconcerned that their lower priority readings won’t be very accurate. Then there are other users, especially in agriculture/horticulture and sports like wind-surfing, who are actually more interested in wind speed at eg 2m height than at more meteorologically-correct heights, for use for instance when spraying crops.

I got this email in reply to an inquiry on the Vue… from Davis:

Hello Joseph,

This is an unreleased product and at this time we do not have any information available for the public nor a possible release date. You may want to periodically check our website for any updates.

Art Sapiandante
Consumer Sales

3465 Diablo Ave
Hayward, CA 94545
Outside US (510)732-9229
[email protected]