1.05 now available for download from the Weather Display site.
Main changes to v1.05 -
Large scale rewrite behind the scenes to make it more object oriented - mainly in preparation for v2 and to reduce file size
Line wrap sorted for Metars
Tooltips added
UV sensor added
Rainfall gauges animated
Heat index/humidex option
Ability for users to enable or disable buttons with config file.
More icon keywords added
Comments taken out of config file and put in readme to reduce file size.
Note that to get the heat index/humidity option to work correctly you need to be using WD v10.12p or later. You must also update your wdlconfig file to the new version.
In setting the value “Humidex” or “Heatindex”, the WDL screen always opens with Humidex. It will change if I select the “Heat” button, but always opens with Humidex.
Looking at your source code I would expect your wdlconfig file to be at http://www.mauzeynet.com/newweather/images/wdlconfig.xml but when I go there all I get is a login prompt. It looks to me like WDL can’t load your config file.
Are the NT permissions for the config file the same as for the others?
Are you running URLscan? If so make sure there aren’t any settings in the ini file that could cause it to be denied.
I did have to add IUSR to the permissions for the .xml and the .swf files for it to work. that is the first time I have had to do that. The files from the 04 version worked fine, but the 05 version I had to add permissions.
I see you have the same problem I have. The little cloud does not always slide up the scale. Even though you show a cloud base of 6625 right now, the cloud is sitting at zero.
I haven’t seen this or been able to reproduce it yet. If anyone notices this please let me know the altitude of the cloud when it happens or if you notice anything consistent about when it happens.