Will be available to download on the WD site in the next few hours. Changes are -
Fixed bug causing compass to keep rotating if wind moved anticlockwise and stopped at 0 degrees.
Added 3 new graph options for last hour’s wind, rain and temperature.
Added min/max temperatures for Heat Index and Windchill.
Added option to display compass heading in degrees and letters.
Added display of average and gust wind in figures.
Changed colour of temperature between 10 and 15 degrees.
Added more weather icons.
Increased capacity of rain tanks to 10,000mm.
Two important points to note - you need to update the wdlconfig.xml file as it’s got a new option at the end (you can decide what compass details to display), and you must be running WD 10.10q or later.
Just got back from helping shift my mum and dad to their new house…
and have just uploaded the new version, and have it running with my data too
excellent, works very well, 3 cheers for Julian!!!
:mrgreen: :drinking:
ok now have a small request for future release…regarding the hourly
graph from the drop down menu, can the inches be alittle more detailed
than 0-1… maybe 0 .25 .50. 1.00…minor beef…otherwise MINT…
Down the road I would also like to see as long as it doesnt really add to
much more to the movie in the dropdown window if we could have a link
to our own website web cam…which a small pop up like the graph loads
wiith out link to the webcam…
ok now have a small request for future release...regarding the hourly
graph from the drop down menu, can the inches be alittle more detailed
than 0-1..... maybe 0 .25 .50. 1.00....minor beef...otherwise MINT....
Down the road I would also like to see as long as it doesnt really add to
much more to the movie in the dropdown window if we could have a link
to our own website web cam…which a small pop up like the graph loads
wiith out link to the webcam…
The graph option may be possible. I’ve emailed the people who wrote the charting component to see if it can be done.
Re the webcam I could do that but I haven’t because I thought it would be much more flexible for people to do that in html. A link could be added below or above WDL with a link or button (to match your website style) which opened a webcam as a pop-up or dhtml layer or anything you wish really. It would also keep the WDL size down.
houston, we have a problem
The heat index Julian has on the temperature bulb: its actuly the humidex value from the clientraw.txt file data…(instead of the heat index (and I prefer the humidex, it seems more real though (but in any case, you need a humidity reading)), but the daily high heat index, well, that uses the heat index daily high and not the humidex daily high value, which i would have to add to the clientraw.txt file or replace the daily high heat index with the daily high humidex…
ok, easy to do
but,maybe, it needs to be noted that its actualy the humidex used, and not the heat index (which is a measure of how well the body can survive long term at that environment, and is not really a good, what it feels like now, temperature)
yeah, the actual heat index is in the clientraw.txt file
but, me, i like the humidex value better
the heat index is not very good at relatively hi humdity levels and moderate temperatures values, i.e its not much above the temperature, and then at lower humidity values, which seem more comfortable, the heat index is quite high!
I like humidex also.
I just want to be sure that everything that has a reference to heat index has the reference changed to humidex if a change is made.
Who knows, if we are unable to have the USA use the metric system maybe we can get them to use humidex instead of heat index.