Using the beast wmr900h?

Hi all,

I’m in the air again after long time no seen no heard ! :?

Question : using my WMR900H and similar: my sensors are working at 433Mhz sending to the wmr900h and my computer interface (working similar as the wmr900h ? think so !)
Are there any other sensors from hugher working at 433 MHz with other stations ?

What I mean and was wondering: is it necessary ticking my station as the beast wmr900H or can I use other stations working with those sensors as well ? :roll:

the ws2500 pc data logger works (should do) with those sensors
that data logger is better…less data drop outs, etc
did you see i this time got the crc error checking working…you should now not have any bad data problems

Hi there Brian,

Got no sign for reply, ok here I am
Tried ws2500Pc but got bad data quality, no sensors, so left it for a while
edit:he there was a threat before of ws2500 pc with same error ‘ws 2500 timer on’
see WS 2500 PC and Error Message

CRC checking see below; check is 0, means untrue ? = not active ?
or 0 = no errors ?! I’ll watch it from now.

Getting next data**
Data length= 39
CRC error check= 0
Block Nr: 60
Block Age: 0
Raw unadjusted barometer = 1008.0 hpa

crc=0 means it was ok, and wd will use it
(what was wrong before in the code, which i did not realise until i actualy stepped through the code, it was always crc=0! )

ok crc understanding by this

setting the ws2500pc get this:

get data click
Ws2500 timer on
get data click
Ws2500 timer on

comports not changing
were can I find settings for this:
number of sensors

don’t see a thing

thanks so far !

in the ws2000/ws2500 data setup
try setting the ws2500 wake up command to 30 (bottom left hand corner)

that was the setting allready.
get data click
Ws2500 timer on
get data click
Ws2500 timer on

does it recognize the ws2500 pc ? (instead of ws2000pc)

not sure whats wrong
i have a ws2500 pc and its ok here

try changing that number up or down