Real time weather data, even with only a dial up connection (checks for internet connection automaticly)
To setup, download and extract this file:
*Then adjust the station name in the svg.htm file at the top of the html code (use notepad.exe),
AND the url of your clientraw.txt file in the main.avg file (i.e where it says
url = “”+new Date()
change the url part,i.e , but still leave clientraw.txt?"+new Date()
*Next the default units you want to use: e.g look for these lines in the main.svg file:
strMaxTemp = 0;
strMinTemp = 150;
DataFormat = “Metric”
I.e change the “Metric” to “English” for English/US units as the default
Then when you view the page, clicking on the units word in the top right hand corner will change the units at the next update of the data
Then upload all the files extracted from the zip to your web site (use action, manage my ftp server in weather display to do that, or use the manual file upload (do each at a time), in the setup, ftp/internet setup, manual upload).
Then the url is, http://your normal web page url/svg.htm
To view it, will need to download and install the free adobe svg viewer (link is on the svg.htm web page)
In weather display, you will need to set the clientraw.txt real time ftp uploads. Do that under setup, web files/web page setup, real time ftp setup, and if you only have a dial up connection, then tick that, and also tick to rename the file on the server (if that is supported by your web server).
Also, go to setup, webfiles/web page/real time FTP setup, then the real time ftp/svg TAB, and tick to update the clientraw.txt file, and set a station name, and if you are hosting your own web page or updating the clientraw.txt file with say the general ftp or at less update frequency times, then tick using my own server.
To view the ftp progress, see under view, ftp error log, view real time log.
Also, upload the icon files: Under input daily weather, do the first time icon file upload.
Have fun!