Using a Labjack sensor for soil temparature reading

Actually I have a two part question. First is there a way to setup Weather Display to use the temparature reading from a Labjack sensor. Second, is there a way to turn off the extra sensor dials that are not being used on the extra sensor page?

yes, if wd finds the labjack temperture sensor ok, then it will be an extra temperature sensor…in WD…
but to allocate it as the soil temperature, I will need to add a setup for the labjack setup to do that

in the 10.12r version, i have more info on the labjack sensor reaings (see under setup, i have a labjack…

re the extra dials, set a blank (null) name in the extra sensor graph for those readings via the setup button…try that…

actualy, i might set up a labjack temperature as soil temperature here at the new house…

I did upgrade to 10.12r hoping to gain some additional functionality with the Labjack unit.
As for the extra sensors, I tried setting the names to nothing in the setup program, but the dials are still appearing. I also tried restarting the program to see if that would turn them off, but it did not.

i will upload a new 10.12r version now
where in the extra dials screen, if you set the name of the sensor (click on the label to enter a new label name) to blank (i.e nothing), then it will be not visible the next time you view that screen…
(as it was not actualy hooked into the names on the extra sensor graph like i thought)

also, the size /position of that screen will be remebered now

Thanks, It worked.

Now if I add any more sensors to the Labjack will the dial for that sensor reappear on the screen?

ahh, you will have to edit the wdisplay.ini file…
[Extra dials setup]
name 1=


I just tried the latest version of WD and wanted to say thank you for adding the sensor option for soil Temparature.

so, is it working?
( i have not lengthended/hooked up to work here yet, but i will see about doing that soon )

It works in the case of a test. I havn’t installed the sensor in the ground yet.