A quick post - really like the new version with the data records etc However, i get a blank graph when i view 30 Days Barometer/Rainfall etc… all the 24hr ones work fine. I’m assuming i just need to turn something on in Weather Display? I’m using 10.20.
The 30 day information is contained within the clientrawdaily.txt file which you need to make sure is on your website. If you’ve recently upgraded WD then this file only gets created once a day so you may need to wait till midnight. Make sure you’re using at least v3.2 of the clientrawrealtimeftp.exe
Thanks for that… i ran a new install to a different folder on my disk and then copied across the ftp bits so i have the latest version. I’ve relaunched WD and now all my daily graphs are empty… got a horrible feeling ive just buggered my monthly records. I updated WD using the .exe - i guess this doesent update the ftp so what was the best way to upgrade, is it a new install?
The joys of copy and pasting without knowing what your doing, i should know better!
it is there: http://www.atpc33.dsl.pipex.com/clientrawdaily.txt
you need to update or add to your wdlconfig.xml file the tag for clientrawdaily
and its location (and set that for the clientrawextra.txt there too)
I left everything as is apart from the copying and pasting the ftp updates and the clientraw server (poss where i went wrong)
I know its my own fault, not disputing that fact, but would of been nice to find some clear documentation on how to upgrade as simply upgrading the WD exe obviously wasent enough.
Still my data held the all time records and whats a month lost between weather friends?
what were the steps you did, etc?
i am not clear about what you have or have not done, and how you mean updating just the .exe,etc
i doubt the data is lost, just that wd is not set to know where it is
Ok i upgraded weather display using the simple replace the .exe download from the website.
I then realised from reading some posts here that i also needed a later ftp to make sure the 30 days graphs work on WDL.
I was unsure that if i downloaded the full WD install it would overwrite my curret data so i installed the new version into a different folder and simply copied the ftp elements across to update them.
It was at this point that my data from the last month seems to of gone from WD - the graphs were all reset. I assume i mucked up and its my mistake, but as it looked like i had to upgrade the ftp i wasent sure how without doing a new full install which i thought would lose my data?
The full package keeps any current data and settings that you have. I normally upgrade using the full package. I only ever use the ZIP package when I need a specific patch that hasn’t been released in a full package yet.
You might check your location for logfiles and datafiles under → Setup → Extra/Misc. settings. Click on the button and ensure the location that shows is the correct location of your files, ie. C:\wdisplay\datafiles or C:\wdisplay\logfiles if you used the default install location. I had a similar situation when I moved WD from one computer to another and changed the root directory of the install. You might have altered the wdisplay.ini file locations to the new install directory you used for the upgrade perhaps…either way it’s easy to check.
FWIW, I have had no problems installing the full version over the current install. I just exit WD and then install the new version right into the same directory. I have never lost any data using this procedure.
Dont suppose someone could take a quick look and let me know any thoughts?
btw if people want to see where the weather station is (on a roof in London next to the BT Tower )- i have a 360 degree panorama that shows the set up - http://www.atpc33.dsl.pipex.com/weatherstation.html Click and drag to look around my roof and the skyline…Just thought people might be interested…
Thanks again for the replies, I’ll clean up the code… in the meantime:
My month to date graph in WD doesent show anything - ie none of the graphs change if i pick ‘month to date’ irrespective to which graph i’m currently viewing. The last seven days graphs works fine, so there should be data to display for a 30 day chart?
zip and email me your datafile
and your logfile 122004lg.txt
and also have you tried:
action, convert wd logfiles to graphs, then click on convert…
then check the month to date graph
Ok might of solved it! My log files were pointing to an old folder, I’ve now moved them and can get a 30 days graph in WD. Still no joy in WDL, but maybe as it updates at midnight, so I’ll try again tomorrow
Thanks for hanging in for me on this one… sorry its been complicated and still not quite there yet.