Updating Rain

I’m a little confused. Had the computer lock up overnite. It rained .10" during the time the computer was down. I rebooted the PC, and restarted WD, which did the download from my VP Pro.

For some reason, I’m still missing the .1" of overnite rain. I updated the graph, and then did convert graph to log file. It shows that .1" for a shor time, then reverts back to 0". Also, my main WD screen shows 0" of rain today instead of the .1

What steps do I need to do to get everything corrected. The Graph, the daily, monthly rain etc. Do I need to update some of the logs by hand for each minute entry or what. I’ve seen some of the other screens for updating rain, seems like there are 3 or 4, but I’m not sure what each one does exactly.

you can use, setup, control panel, barometer offsets and rainfall, then the increase all by the this amount…
then set the amount, click on set, then click on yes to save settings

So, see if I understand this correctly. I would go to the above screen, and enter my missing .1" of rain in daily, monthly, and yearly box?

Does this ADD the .1 to the current values, or replace the current value with .1? Or is there a check box someplace, that I am not seeing that tell wether to ADD it to current values, or replace.

well, if you use the increase by all ability, then you only use that, and that increases the daily and monthly and yearly totals by the amount you set

Still on the subject of correcting rain totals.

Last month, I went camping from 6/23 to 7/3. One hour after I left, WD froze and stopped collecting data. (Good old Norton AV and Windows updates started around that time)

Anyway, my VP kept logging data. Unfortunately, I only was able to retrieve 2+ days from the datalogger (I upgraded to 10.13n first and it worked like a charm), since it was wrapping. The console has the missing rainfall, and I would like to manually update going back 11 days. Also, I want to update the June total, the July total since there was no reset done at the end of the month.

How can I do this? The Barometer/rain/offsets screen won’t let me go back that far, and is a bit confusing. Can someone help me out with a procedure to follow? Unfortunately, the VP console has that information, but WD can’t access it.

you can edit the logfiles for those months, the rain total for that month…
and you can also edit the rain totals for those months under , rain chart
which is stored in the ini file and not in the log file…
so there are 2 places…

Thanks, Brian.

Actually, after reading about the rain chart data in the ini file, I just clicked on the rainfall area of the main screen and brought up the Rain to Date screen. This let me change each month’s total without even using mm to inches conversion. :roll:

That fixed the rain graph. Then I went to Barometer offset/rainfall setup and fixed the YTD total.

But, since there are no log entries when WD was down, I figure I will just let it go. The graphs are now ok, since the gaps show what happened… we weren’t recording. And my rain totals for the year are ok.
