Unix generated Weather charts and graphics

Is anyone generating their own graphics… charts etc… in the Unix environment. I’m curious what tools you are using to do that and samples of what you have done.

someone did show me some amazing stuff they did with PHP
i.e dials and gauges even

I found a package that appears to be quite good…


They have some sample graphics here


It is not for weather graphics perse, but does do charting and appears easy to use.

The next step would be to gather the data from WD on the PC and export it into MySQL so that it is available on the Unix box to generate the stuff on the fly.

I’ve not yet had the chance to even look at the MySQL stuff yet to see how it is setup etc… but will have time next weekend (my next playtime) unless I can take a stab at it during the week.

The Ultimate goal is the generate a whole weather page that looks custom and matches the existing page structure using WD to collect and provide the data.

I don’t know Unix things at all, but a few PHP images are on my page http://www.kuokka.net/saa/grafiikka.php
Those meters are using clientraw- and clientrawextra.txt files.


thats the person I was talking about
look at that,dials and images using PHP :slight_smile:

do you have any php code to do graphing Mika?

gnuplot http://www.gnuplot.info/ could be another option.

Here is one graph what I have done sometime.
http://www.kuokka.net/saa/test/new.php in the Y -axis values are