Unable to Adjust Rainfall Offset

Hi Brian,

I’m unable to adjust rainfall offsets with version 10.10r. When I adjust as needed in ‘Adjust all rainfall totals…’ section, all totals change accordingly. When I click YES to save and exit, the totals go back to previous.

Scott H.

are yu clickin on Set, for each one, then clicking on Yes to save settings?
also, check under view, program error log to see if any error there


I am clicking SET, then YES. No errors reported in the error log at the time action performed, although I do see the following error reported a few times:

ERROR: I/O error 32 at time/date 7:01:02 PM 04/23/04

Scott H.


Any update? Still having the same problem with 10.10s. To clarify, this is when using the selectable offset amount, not manual input. I’m not sure when this stopped working, but it is a function I’ve been using the past 2 years and need back.

Scott H.

ah, i understand now
you are using the slide selection
i have found and fixed the problem
uploading a new 10.10s now, which will be a few hours away from being ready

Not sure if it is my ISP or what, but install file report corruption when trying to launch. Same for both ‘upgrade’ and ‘new install’.

Scott H.

Got a good download and seems fixed. Thanks!