UDP Multicast client server mode causes error

I am playing with the Linux version. I just want it to be a client to my WinXP WD serv er using the UDP multicast function. The error is:

Error 13 Permission Denied

The INI has following data (broadcast IP and port match settings in WD server on XP).
[TCP settings]
show indoor client=no
client lan 1 min=no
do it=yes
data from internet=no
data from internet proxy=80
data from internet proxy server use=no
data from internet proxy server=
client url=

Oh yeah, even though I set it to client mode, it always changes itself back to server mode.

you migth want to try another hiigher port number than that,…
but i am no expert

Have you tried it? Does it work? What port do you use? What about the fact that the settings never get saved?

look on the linux weather display thread, there is some info on that
the bug with the settings not getting saved i will look into
but note that the on/ off button just shows a bright green bar when on, otherwise it still says on…but no bright green bar

1033 is the default port number that someone on this BBS recommended to use with linux, for port permissions, etc
now, checking the code, if any errors occur, then settings will not be saved
i.e if the port number is not allowed…
i,.e check under view, program error log for any errors