Ubuntu 64-bit

I do not know if it is related but I got this “Access violation” on the last startup. I am getting once in a while “Access violation” messages on FWI sometime after restart and Brian is working on it.

[HINT] TWinControl.CreateWnd creating Handle during loading TabSheet3:TTabSheet csDesigning=False   
[HINT] TWinControl.CreateWnd creating Handle during loading Formfwigraph:TFormfwigraph csDesigning=F
TApplication.HandleException Access violation                                                       
  Stack trace:                                                                                      
  $08AC8665  TCUSTOMTIMER__DOONTIMER,  line 182 of customtimer.pas                                  
  $08AC85CF  TCUSTOMTIMER__TIMER,  line 157 of customtimer.pas                                      
  $08B01323  TQTTIMER__EVENTFILTER,  line 3303 of qtobjects.pas                                     
  $00ser_read error Resource temporarily unavailable

Also, if you check page 11 of this thread http://discourse.weather-watch.com/t/39096, Brian mentions something that might be causing your problem around the sun file, though it could be completely unrelated. This is with the 32-bit version of Fedora.

Mike - N7DQ