Tornado Warning - NW Phoenix, AZ

Along with the rain which so far is about 2inches near me in the past two days, tonight when I got home they issued a Tornado Warning for NW Phoenix.

Nothing touched down but they played it up on TV quite a bit.
The first Warning was extended. Apparently a lot of hail…

Pics are from the TV while they were covering the warning.

What we really need is 4-6" of snow to really make a mess.

they issued a Tornado Warning for NW Phoenix
trouble in paradise :lol:

We actually do get tornado’s in Arizona. They say we get 1 to 2 of them a year, but they are nothing like in the midwest.

They also seem to be more common in the winter than during the summer thunderstorm season which is a bit weird in itself.

We get a lot of microbursts during the summer though and those can be very damaging if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I had a small tornado touch down behind our house over across and down the street in '92. It took out a small barn and some horse stables but that was it. I didn’t physically see it, but I did hear it. A neighbor saw it touch down and hit the barn before they split running in the other direction.

It has been fairly wet around here for the past month. I had 1.99 inches of rain for Dec, and we have already topped that for Jan by yesterday.

trouble in paradise :lol:

Anything to disturbs the snow birds brings smiles to some. :lol:

the reason why you would get tornadoes in winter and not summer, because, as you say you get microbursts. Microburst are cause by “normal” up/down drafts. However, tornadoes require some sort of turning or spinning in the atmosphere. This is more likely to occur with winter lows rather than monsoon/summer like storms.

I used to fly in and out of Phoenix a lot on business and it was neat to look out on final and see white golf courses at times in the winter. Of course, it was frost or frozen irrigation and not snow but it would be something to get a few inches of white stuff in Phoenix.


I read that zero deaths thing in a NWS pub but when you made your post I did a google search. Per some study authorized/paid by the NRC (for some strange reason??) there have been 2 deaths in CO in 55 years. In the same period we were #8 in the number of tornado’s with almost twice as many as Ohio! Ohio was up there in the number of deaths tho. Now, I’m going to try to find out where they were. More useless information…