Ok, if you are going to have a “feature suggestion” board, you must want suggestions! Brian, I know your a busy man, but just for the sake of offering suggestions…
When I mouse over the graphs, it would be nice to not only see the values of the graphs (as you currently have it), but also to see the time of day that value was taken. Just as you have with the Real Time Graph.
In addition (and this one may be tricky), it would be nice to see the image from the web camera at that time as well. So, as one moves the mouse, the image would move forward and backward.
i do have the hour shown, but only if you have the mouse over the hour line
but, yes, i have looked at the time thing
idealy each time for each minute plot would be great
I can do it for the 12 hour graph (or 3 or 6 hour) graph by redoing the latest.inf file and putting in it an array for the time as a text entry…
or just simplying havin a new latesttime.inf (small) file…
i might do it that way, so as to not loose any data…
the web cam image idea is a good one…if you have it set, wd can create every 10 minutes a time stamped file…so it could update to the nearest 10 minutes…
for the 12 hour or 6 hour or 3 hour graph i can do this for, once i have implemented the time above…
as a floating window…
i have implemented both of these things in a new 10.10x
note that the time is not retrospective, only starts with that version, and same for the web cam image
its working reall neat here, and i like it!
not sure how well it will go with a ws2000 type station, but i will work on improving that
note that the time only works with the wind and or wind direction graph, and the web cam image works only with the wind direction graph
ok, first, its working for me, so thats good
now, check that wd is actualy creating the every 10 minute time stamped web cam files (see under the web cam view setup page and make sure you have that switch ON).
Then, as you move the mouse over the wind direciton graph, the time should appear above the wind/baro graph…
do this on the 12 hour or idealy the 6 hour grpah
does the time change smoothly?
(i.e it might not for the ws2000 type station…i am working on that…i have it nearly perfect for the ws2500 station now…)
if wd finds the time stamped web cam file (from the location you have set as the directory for the web cam images in the view, web cam), then a new window appears showing that web cam image…and then updates as you move the mouse…
now, i actualy have jpg web cam time stamped files too,so i might change to load those…(if you have set to create a jpg image as well , in the web cam capture or 3rd party web cam setup)
The time is changing really nicely when I scrub (mouse over) the windspeed/pressure graph, but nothing happens when I scrub over the wind direction graph.
The time is changing really nicely when I scrub (mouse over) the windspeed/pressure graph, but nothing happens when I scrub over the wind direction graph.
The time is working over the Bar.Press/Wind speed & the Wind direction but not the Temp/Humd/Dew graph. It has never worked as far as I know…Not a big deal to me. My graph hour lines have never been evenly distributed thou…like there is missing data or something, and I think you are working on this one.
BTW: I love the software, I think it is amazing the support/response you provide and all the features your software has. I know some get upset, but I’ve used a lot of software and individualized attention towards problems is almost non-existent these days…THANKS
yeah, i just have not got any more parameters left to have the time work on the temp/hum plot
but i think i can still wrangle it, by doing the existing hour lines using the time stamp file
re hour spacing with a ws2013-10 data logger
you should find that the latest version, which it looks like you have, 10.12j, should be pretty darn good
i now have it where you can every minute time stamped web cam file…
tick that under setup, control panel,web cam setup, then tick ,produce every minute, under the switch for create time stamped web cam files
in 10.12o, ready soon
and the web cam image then updates every minute as you move the mouse over the baro/wind graph now…looksw real neat!!..animated image!..even go backwards…