I would like to know how to place a link on my web page to point to the tide prediction HTML file. I see others have done it, how did you do it? I have the tideprediction.HTML file being uploaded all OK but no link shows up on the web page. Any help would be appreciated.
I assume you are using the default web pages WD creates?
If so, click on setup, then control panel, then web files/web page/ real time FTP/SVG/WDL.
Then check either “let me manage the datahtm2.txt” or the “Let me manage the datahtm0.txt file” box.
Then edit the file for whichever box you’ve ticked and add something like:
which will place a link, centered for the tide html file. Note that case matters for the file name, so if it’s tideprediction.HTML then tideprediction.html will give you a file not found error. If yuo want to get fancy,
Local Tid Prediction,/font>will give you a link, centered, in a larger text size in a grey/blue color.
Best thing to do is copy your html source files to another location on your hard disk, edit them, then check if they look how you want them with your browser, then when you’ve got it to your liking, copy them back to the WD webfiles directory.
I was just hunting for a tide prediction problem and spotted in the previous post where my html error came from. There is a slight error in the html - it should be this (for any other html novices like me that copy and hope )