Tide Prediction

I am trialling the Weather Display software having got a WMR928 and want to add tide-prediction. I live in Southampton on the South Cost of the UK and tried to select a port in England but there were none listed, can new
ports be added?

Have you downloaded the tide prediction program itself? It can be found on the “downloads” page at http://www.weather-display.com.

It’s some time since I looked at the tide prediction program but if it’s the same thing as I looked it, it’s very difficult to add new ports to it. I seem to remember that there were two ways of predicting local tides…

  1. Tha accurate way…which requires some hydrographic information providing which doesn’t seem to be available for British ports

  2. The less accurate way…you could enter some offsets from the nearest port to say something like ‘high tide here is always 25 minutes after high tide at port X’. However, the nearest ports available to the UK were many hundreds of miles away and no-one quotes high tide time or height differences between ports that are so far apart.

I eventually gave up trying to find a way to do this :frowning:

Ok thanks, I’ll try and see where the nearest port is,


the problem is the uk authorities never made the data available to the author of the tide program 8O

I couldn’t find any reference to the data even existing, rather than being available but not accessible, in the UK when I looked. I did wonder if that particular method of predicting tides isn’t used in the UK so no-one has the required data?

I’m not sure if this will help you find the data your looking for, But during our four hurricanes just past it was interesting. I live on the west coast near Tampa Bay.
I’ve attached the Readme.txt file. The program itself is freeware, the link is in the .txt file.

Readme.txt (23.9 KB)

That seems to be the same program that WD uses (it has the same name anyway). It’s almost certainly the program I tried to use last time, but couldn’t get any local reference data. I obviously last looked before January this year because they’ve now added a local port (Fleetwood) and a lot of other locations to the available locations. Thanks for point this out.

All I have to do now is convince WD to recognise that I have the program. It seems to be refusing to believe I’ve got it installed :frowning:

I’ve worked out what was wrong. The WXTide32 programs have to be located in the WD directory. I have it working now.

Thanks again for pointing out that there is a new version.

thanks for reminding me to make the tides adjustment for daylight saving starting here :slight_smile:

I’m glad it was of some value.

I’m going nuts not being able to use WD(L) yet. I’ve convinced myself that scraping up the extra $$ for the Pro Plus will be a worthwhile investment.