Not sure if anybody else is trying this but I must say a big thanks for implimenting the RSS feed. RSS feeds are a relatively new thing and I must say that I really like them. I use Intraview News which “plugs in” to Outlook. RSS is great in that I get control of when and how I download the data - its not just shoved at me like a mailing list application. I particularly like the format used here with the latest “article” at the top of the view but the whole thread available at the bottom.
Funny thing is that your reply didn't get to me via RSS, just as a 'reply to topic' email - :lol:
I’ll try andd keep an eye on it just in case I’m missing other stuff too. I’m seeing plenty from ‘Chatter’ and ‘Questions’ so it is working :?
By default the RSS feed only sends you the last 15 messages since your last pull from the feed. So if the forum has been busy, i.e. more than 15 new messages since your last update, you will miss some messages.
You can override this, to an extent, by adding ‘?c=NN’ to your feed description to ask for more messages (up to a maximum of 50). For example, the following URL would return the last 30 messages:
You can also get a feed from one specific Forum by appending ‘?f=NN’ where NN is the forum number from the list below. For example, the URL below would return the last 15 messages from the Chatter forum:
[list]2 - Announcements
3 - Test Forum
4 - Bug Reports
5 - Feature Suggestions
6 - Chatter
7 - Questions
11 - For Sale
12 - Weather Web Sites
14 - Weather Station Siting & Setup Tips
16 - Weather Station Equipment
19 - HOWTO’s and Hints & Tips
21 - Linux Weather Display
23 - Weather Watch Domain Redirection Service
24 - Freaky Weather
25 - Forecasting
26 - Weather Display Live[/list:u]
You can also ask for a feed with just new topics, i.e. no replies, by appending ‘?t=1’.
Finally, you can combine any/all of these options by including an ‘&’ between them. For example, the URL below will return the last 10 new topics from the Chatter forum.
Be aware that the more complex you make the request, the more it will impact server performance. I don’t think it will be a problem unless a lot of RSS users ask for complex requests every few seconds. If that happens and the server suffers then the RSS feed might disappear!
I have recently downloaded a couple of the many readers that are out there, however, I cannot get either of them to pick up any of the feeds from here or any other ? I always get the message saying that the feed cannot be found or the feed url is incorrect…Any clues anyone ?
I’m on XP platform