Hi Brian,
I’ve probably missed the development of this somewhere, I haven’t been around much but I’ve got a new box now on the data report screen the one at the bottom, the one that says “WS2500 station get data timer interval”
What does that do and what should I set it to?
Also the timer thing seems to keep stopping, I have to keep pressing get data for it to start again, any idea’s?
Brian added a timer adjust for users that need to slow down the timing, 60 is like it was. After startup the countdown timer stays locked and the WD gets data every 15 min at 5 min after the quarter hour. IE 00:20, 00:35 ETC.
Did you receive my email with the screen shot links yesterday?? Is your standard email [email protected] still the one to send stuff to?
The last three startups went well with the dupes filltered out and gaining or loosing no more than 15-30 min. This is good.
The midnight reset is not present on startup downloads and the ability to scale the graph solar readings is on my wish list when you get time.
wd works different now with the ws2500 console
it now gets data at specific times:
5 minutes, 20 minutes,35 minutes and 50 minutes past the hour, each hour
Ah I see, thanks! It seems to be working extremely well indeed having let it run overnight. I had a bit of a problems with it a few days ago and lost a days data somehow but have run this version overnight, even my flatlining problem seems to have gone. Well done on this one
thats good news dotty
you can thank Ed for the idea of having wd get the data at set intervals