The end of month bug strikes again


Sorry but it is 00:03 of the 1st august and WD just crash again… Sniffffffffffff. :cry:

have a good sunday…

Hmmm - odd goings on
My WD was shutdown over midnight (the kids were here!) This was my first month begin (I set it all up in the middle of July). On my web page I have a couple of tables with some xml data displayed. Now here are my issues with data since the beginning of August

I restarted WD at about 08:30 and all seemed well.

  1. WD all time records page (this month) shows values for July.
  2. The XML data seems all over the place.

windruntodatethismonth has the same value as windruntodatethisyear when really it should be the same as todays windrun (for the 1st of the month anyway).
maxyest and minyest are both null.
monthtodatemaxtemp is showing 72.5 when WDL is indicating a max temp today of 76.5
monthtodatemintemp is still showing as 32.0 whilst the Celsius version of that tag is showing as zero (VP and WD both have a different value for mintemp).
I am currently showing the average temp on my page instead of the minimum for last month as the data is so obviously wrong.

The XML data is uploaded with the same frequency as the clientraw data (about every 20 seconds)

I am off on holiday today for a week so may not respond to this thread for that period - nor will I be able to fix my web page

Yes, there also some problems with my WD in this 1 August:

  • Trends: last 24 hours trend are empty;
  • Tags: average, maximum and minimum temperatures for the month show values for yesterday;
  • Records to date for the month: several values are erroneous, like coldest, warmest days and nights, rain/hour that shows -1.0 mm (the date is from last month).

I am running 10.15d, but the version tag still shows 10.15.


Hi -
Yes my trends are empty as well (last24 last month last year)

I am running 10.14f there are no changes in the later versions that affect me.

WD crashed on me also at midnight. I restarted it at about 0800. My Trends for 24 and month are blank.

When I restarted, it downloaded from the datalogger. About 450 packets by the count. The time on the graph jumped from 2300 to 0800 then continued to 1500, duplicated 1500, went to 0900 and started graphing what I feel is now correct. This occurred on the server.

On the client it jumped from 2200 to 0800 and appears to be correct since.

WS-2010 w/ datalogger. Wired XP home lan, using WD as server and client.


[quote=“Meteoabrantes”]- Tags: average, maximum and minimum temperatures for the month show values for yesterday;

  • Records to date for the month: several values are erroneous, like coldest, warmest days and nights, rain/hour that shows -1.0 mm (the date is from last month).


Ok, Martyn, thanks.


Also here. My machine starts at 4.30 am (dont work over midnight) and at the start at 4.30 the programm said "WD caused an error …).

There was also some interesting: ZoneAlarm didnt remember the ftp and asked, if ftp is allowed connecting to the internet yes or no. (I didn’t change anything in the settings of ZA)
I dont know, if that was pure accident or not.

But maybe that helps Brian, finding the bug.


these is end of month related

This is taken from the dailyreport uploadwd 01/08/2004
Averages\Extremes for day :July 2004

Day Temp Wind Gust Rain Max Temp Min Temp Av Hum Av Baro Av Dir Wind run wind chill sunshine ET

31 14.0

have now had more time to investigate this… My station was set up part way through July. I have data for that month (I have looked in a log file). Then there was a problem with the beginning of August. Now If i choose July in the Graphing section I get no data displayed.

I also had a very high baro reading 3000 plus but cannot see this value in a text file anywhere.

Any ideas - my apologies for being so dim

just an idea: couldn’t be resolved the problem, when running the watch-dog?

then wd would start a new instance … or doesn’t that work?


I have the watch dog running. When mine crashed, I received a Windows warning box saying something like WD had caused a problem and will be shut down. This box doesn’t go away by itself, you must acknowledge it. It must be interfering with the watch dog and doesn’t allow it to do it’s job.

I have watchdog running - but my system didnt crash! I just shut it down before midnight and then restarted it in the morning.

My Problem is that my graphs for July now show no data, yet I can see it in the log files…