Tested Version Download


I’ve been around almost since the beginning and I am very aware that most bugs are generated by the continuously requested new features and changes that we are requesting. They appear, then are reported in this forum and corrected in new versions relatively quickly.

This process is fine in about 90% of the cases but for some like myself who have remote sites that require a 2 1/2 hr drive over difficult terrain to get to, it is a problem to go there, update, come home, and find out the version I updated to has a bug and shut down, crashed or whatever. It’s another 2 1/2 drive to reboot, go back to an old version or whatever. These late night drives after work can turn dangerous in the winter. I have done it twice already this week. Some of this can be done remotely but what happens in the end is we never update. There is a version near by in the 7.70’s and it is never going to change because his drive is about 8 hours!

Why not post on the download page a “tested version” that those of use can’t or don’t want to, go through the testing of new versions. As a version becomes used for awhile and bugs appear gone, replace the old tested download version on the download page with the new “tested” version before making any more changes and upgrading.

Does this make sense?

have you not seen i now have a beta version, on the download page,and the 9.97h version is stuck there?

oh and i take my hat off to you for driving all those long distances and for sticking it out for so long

That is such a good idea Brian, but have you any idea of time scale when the Beta version has been tested for bugs and has become stable before you upgrade the version 9.97h. Are you looking at say once a month or something similar.

Hi all,

good work Brian !
Maybe it’s in idea to place text what’s updating
or adding to WD

Then we can watch what’s performing
and give you any feed-back…

–Winter starts here with temps around -4C and cold winds
have a nice time there !------

there is a link to the version history on the main WD web page, top right hand corner


Why not try the excellent and free VNC from www.realvnc.com for remote operation under Windows, Linux etc. :smiley:

As long as you can get the PC reliably online it should save any 8 hour drives. At least, after the first one to install VNC! :twisted: