Tempest reading spiking

I have a couple Tempest stations using weather display. One is showing spikes on some of the readings every few minutes which then return. This has been going on for a while, not a specific event to tie it do as things tend to just run on the windows machine in question. I checked my settings with my other system in a different location and they seem to align. Suggestions appreciated.

Can you post screen grabs of your WD station setup page and the cronweatherflow screen?

Your screen grabs look okay to me. Your barometer seems very low…can you verify it against other stations near you? Also, do you use any offsets in WD?

However, when I check your data on the Wxflow page I see some irregularities that lead me to think the issue is with Wxflow and not WD. Here is one example:

Recommend you ask Wxflow for assistance as I can see nothing wrong with your setup. It appears your station is NOT reporting to Wxflow and is shown offline.