I am attempting to set up your new Weather Display software. I have a new computer running Windows XP that I have installed the software on. My network administrator has mapped me a drive to our web server on our local LAN. I would like to configure Weather Display to copy these files over our local LAN to the web server. Is there a way to configure your software to do this without setting up an FTP server? Thank you in advance for your time and support.
as long as the webserver mapped drive is visible on the PC running WD then this should be possible if you go to the WD control panel, then web files/web page setup, and there is a button on the “web files setup #1” screen called “set webfiles location” which will bring up a standard window of drives (including your mapped drive) and folders so you can select the new location of the HTML pages and images to be served to the web.
hope this helps and I hope you enjoy Weather Display as much as others do.
Thank you for replying to our message. We have done the steps you suggested. In fact, we can update the web page manually by clicking the button. However, we do not know how to force the program to update the file real-time. We have configured the program to send updates every 5 minutes, but this does not happen. Any more suggestions?
Try going into Control Panel | FTP/etc | Connections. Is the Main Internet Switch turned on? I know you’re not FTPing any files or using the Internet, but this switch is sort of a master control for a lot of the data input/output functions so you need to make sure it’s turned on.
Thanks for your reply and the screenshot. Yes, I have that box checked but still no updates on the web. I can do it manually.
I though we had all the other info correctly but I guess not.
I think that my issue is on the FTP/Internet setup page but I cannot figure out what needs to be done. Maybe I can post a screenshot of what I have and maybe someone can direct me of my error.
I’ll do it this afternoon.
I must have mis-understood the question. WD writes most of it’s collected data to the wdisplay\webfiles directory. WD doesn’t care where this webfiles directory is physcially located, only that he can read/write to it. Local harddrive or mapped harddrive, doesn’t matter to WD.
So, if you are able to setup WD to save data to this mapped drive, and, the mapped drive is available to the webserver, then no ftp is required. Just “point” the webserver to the index file for your site.
Make sense? Or am I totally off base here?
Thanks for your reply and the screenshot. Yes, I have that box checked but still no updates on the web. I can do it manually.
What exactly are you doing, manually, that fixes the problem?
Thanks for your reply. Your most recent message may have helped us alot. I will show it to my tech folks Tuesday and see if we get it going. If you look at the web page (below) you will notice in the top box the time is different from the date data below. I press the upload button on the setup page and the top box gets updated but the data below doesn’t. Still don’t know what is wrong there but will figure it out when I get this other issue worked out.
I’m glad you got it working. What fixed it in the end? If you know what it was it might help someone with a similar problem in the future if you can post the answer here.