Task Bar Wierdness

I just checked the screen of my weather station computer, and noticed that there were two WD icons in the task bar. The first had the current readings displayed in it and the second had the title, “Weather Display Ver 10.15z etc…”.

Now, if I right clicked on the second occurrance, I had a window open with the following options:
Always on top

All were greyed out except minimize and close

The first occurrance only had

Restore was greyed out.

Also, clicking on either task bar icon caused the single WD window to get the focus.

Is this a bug in WD or a feature of windows XP?

I know if I exit and restart, it will be ok, but I am trying for a record. It has been up for almost 48 hours without locking up.

I am running version 10.16 which thinks it is 10.15z.

I bet you have a window open in WD when it appears to be “locked up”.

Try hitting ALT-TAB and selecting WD from there. It should select the open window instead.

Oh, and don’t forget to close those windows before switching out of WD.

maybe its the csutom screen ?
but yes, using the good old win 3.1 alt tab is a good thing to do…it brings back to the front a window that might be open already
48 hours…humm, i never get any errors, and wd at my mums place ran for 21 days until a 6 year decided to close it!

Alt-Tab only shows one WD running. Same with task manager. I really am not concerned. I have seen other programs that leave “stuff” in the task bar. Here is a screen shot that shows the double icons. Also the ftpupd crash that has been occurring since 10.16 (aka 10.15z).

if you move the mouse over the icon, does it go away?
is that version 7.36 of the ftpupd.exe?
i updated that way back on the 17th august

No. I tried right click/refresh… all those things. I know exiting and restarting will clear it up. Actually, Brian, I am sorry I bothered you with this one, since it really is not a serious problem. You have enought on your hands with real issues. (Honest, that is not meant to be a dig, just a matter of priorities.)

Thanks for taking the time anyway. Now, on to other things.

BTW - the “problem” I Have been having with WD itself “locking up” seems to have gotten a lot better since I installed VNC. Probably gives XP something else to do in the background, enough to prevent what must be some elusive timing problem somewhere. (It does still do it but far less often. Of course, now I probably jinxed it by saying that) And with VNC, I can just fire up WD again. I can even download updates, install, and restart from the office. VNC is pretty good.