takes an age !!

Hi and thanks for reading this,

I have been running WDL for a few weeks now and it was all going great untill my isp did somthing and then nothing would appear,

Brian sugesred that I set the FTP to Passive mode and then everything worked fine … now WDL wont load .

It’s because your clientraw.txt file is empty - http://www.lindstrand-x.com/weather/clientraw.txt. It sounds like it’s not being FTP’d correctly to your webserver. Anything in the FTP log in WD?


try deleting that file on the server, and in WD’s web files folder
and try ticking, rename the file, in the real time ftp setup (under webfiles/web page setup)
(but some servers do not allow that)

I do’nt have a solution for you, but I can tell WDL loads in just 2 seconds in IE6.
It does’nt update.

make sure, or check, under setup, control panel, webfiles/web page setup, you have ticked to update the cleint raw file
(that that will be done by the separate program, clientrawrealtimeftp.exe)
(double click that icon in the system tray, its a “yelllow flash”, and see what it reports…

Hey Brian, I’m having the same problem.

this is what my ftp says:

Connecting to FTP server
10057:[10057] Socket is not connected
Forcing disconnection from FTP server
Reseting the FTP
Reseting the FTP
Reseting the FTP
Reseting the FTP
Reseting the FTP
Connecting to FTP server
10057:[10057] Socket is not connected
Forcing disconnection from FTP server
Reseting the FTP
Reseting the FTP
Reseting the FTP
Reseting the FTP
Reseting the FTP

repeating over and over.

ok, I upgraded to 10.19k and the client raw ftp seems to be working now, but I still get a blank page…
It works when I run it locally with the wdlv3_01.exe, but not on the web site.


Hi Guys ,

Thanks foe all the help … I had to reset the computer and run WD again . it all works fine for about an hour and then stops … any ideas ??



Problem: Socket is not connected.

Answer: A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket is not connected and (when sending on a datagram socket) no address was supplied.

Whatever that means.

it all works fine for about an hour and then stops ... any ideas ??

need more info
i.e what is shown in the clientrawrealtimeftp program, etc

It probably means that the FTP login failed for some reason. Perhaps the FTP server threw a wobbler? I got a similar thing once which I think I got rid of by restarting the FTP daemon on the server.