Tag questions

Couple of tag questions…

These related to rain since we are having some which is a bit unusual around here. Looks like we might easily hit at least an inch in a day… You can imagine what the freeways were like today for a place that is not used to a lot of rain.

Below (attached) is a screen shot of my wap page which is using the following tags, and a screen shot of WD at the same time this was enerated.

<tr><td>Last Tip:</td><td><b>at %timeoflastrain%</b></td></tr>
<tr><td>Rate:</td><td><b>%maxrain/minlasthour% hr</b></td></tr>


  1. Why does the rain show a thousands position? The smallest increment is 10th and the WD display doesn’t show thousands.
    %dayrnusa% is the tag being used.

    This tag is always zero thousands.

  2. The Rain rate has been stuck on 0.01 in. hr. The screen shot of WD after this was generated was 0.071 in/hr.
    Actually it should have been higher since it took me a minute or two to setup the shot.
    It appears the tag %maxrain/minlasthour% is not correct.

Lastly, not Rain related…

The Solar reading (which we had no sun today, also kinda wierd for around here), shows possible sunshine today
as: 10:00:20 AM hrs.

That is not possible here in Arizona. The sun doesn’t rise until around 7:30 in the morning and AM would be between Midnight and noon, so the most we could have of AM Sunshine would be about 2:30.

Actually, I know thats not what that means, but why is there an AM

WD itself doesn’t show it that way, just the tag %hoursofpossibledaylight%

This appears to still be a problem. Whenever it rains, the rain rate reported by this tag is always 0.01 in/hr. Even when WD shows it is much higher like right now it says it is 0.059 in/hr, the tag shows only 0.01 in/hr.

When it is not raining, it zero’s

I use this tag in my WAP pages.

first, is that sunshine hours possible got ridf of the am?
(its there because it actualy uses a time function, and the am or pm is there if you have your windows regional settings to show am or pm (but I have put in so that wd will strip those out if it finds them)

fo the rain:
its the maximum rain recorded in any whole minute period in the last hour…
whereas the rain rate is calculated at each rain tip…but the rain has to keep up at that for the whole minute…but it can ease down again…
clear as mud?

Hmmm… I think you are saying that the tag is not the same thing that WD shows on its front screen??

If that is the case, I am looking for a tag that shows the same thing that WD does on the front screen… as shown below…


:wink: #-o

Just put all three in to see what I would get and got all zeros… took me a minute to realize the clock just past midnight which reset the count!

Tag usage is…

<tr><td>Rate:</td><td><b>%currentrainrate% in/hr</b></td></tr>
<tr><td>MaxRate:</td><td><b>%maxrainrate% in/hr</b></td></tr>
<tr><td>MaxTimeRate:</td><td><b>%maxrainratetime% in/hr</b></td></tr>

This is what it is showing now…

Rate: 0.000 in/Hr MaxRain: 0.000 in/Hr MaxTimeRate 00:00 AM in/hr

WD is showing

0.068 in/hr

I’m hoping for another tip here so that I can see what it comes up with then. Current forcast is 80% and it is raining outside. Like watching water boil…

I notice that the AM is there in the MaxTimeRate one… Think you need an option on your time function that leaves out AM/PM.

forget the part about the part about the AM, that is a time value

We have lots of rain today and tonight so I can look at this again…

Currently this is what the tags are saying:

This is what it is showing now…

Rate: 0.001 in/Hr -> %currentrainrate% MaxRain: 3.048 in/Hr -> %maxrainrate% MaxTimeRate 08:31 AM -> %maxrainratetime%

WD is showing

Rain Rate:
0.002 in/min (0.106 in/hr)

Snapshot attached.

None of the tags available apparently provide the same value that WD is displaying.


%currentrainrate% is in/min, and so is the max rain rate
which is just about the same as what is showing on the main screen (you would need to compare them at the same time (it uses the same variable in the program)

Hmmm thought it was in/hr…

I suspect that unless you live in a part of the world where you get a lot of rain, using in/min is going to be rather lackluster.

The highest I’ve seen since I got the station was 0.003 in/min but when you update only once every 10 minutes, chances are it will be 0.001 while it is raining and 0.000 when it is not.

Sometime when you can, adding a %currentrainratehr% would be what i would use.

I thought about using what clientraw provided but that is the same resolution.

Currently WD is displaying 0.002 in/min and the clientraw is:

Rain Rate 0.0 mm = 0 in

So that would not be even calculatable to in/hr… it would still be 0

yes, i can add that tag
i now have it that the mm/min in the clientraw is set to zero if at or less than 0.01mm/min, becuase there was concern it was not getting to zero fast enough

Honest, I’m not trying to be a pain…

Its raining around here pretty hard tonight (for around here that is)

0.15 in so far this hour. (Which is accurate since I counted the tips in the logs, 15 of them)

Its hard to trap everyting at the same time since they are generated at different intervals but

WD is reporting:

0.004 in/min (0.243 in/hr) (this is of course an ever winding down number depended on when the last tip was.

Client raw is showing:

Rain Rate M 0.2 mm (= 0.01 in this is calculated off of mm)

And the tag is showing 0.001

I’m sure there are rounding errors etc in the conversion since I think everything is done in mm. But, unless my calculation of mm to inches is way off in the clientraw file, the 0.01 in in clientraw is a lot more than 0.001 in the tag.

but since everything is moving and changing by the second… who knows.

It will be cool when the tag with in/hr is available…