Sunshines hours

if you view weekrep.htm or september2004.html the sunshine hours totals are incorrect they are ok in the dailyreport.htm but strange things happening when i select 9 month and 2004 see below

the figures at the top are correct but the figures at the bottom are not the 69 for month is showing up on the first two files mentioned above

links for other files

main running 16q and backup running 16u
despite ticking to upload with rain, the solardetail did not upload but was created, i had to manually upload it

the 69.3 is the total sunshine for september 2003 just checked the log hope this helps

yes, that will be the problem…its not realising its the current month…
will be ok me thinks for the next version

that would explain why the year totals are less as they do not include the current month on weekrep and setember2004

Hi Brian
log for my last average extreme upload below why is remote file for solardetail.gif ref to local file position

FTPUPD.EXE started at 00:14:01 09/09/04
agenda items to do…
Files to upload*
Local files: C:\wdisplay\webfiles\weekrep.htm
Local files: C:\wdisplay\webfiles\weekgra.gif
Local files: C:\wdisplay\webfiles\percentdir.gif
Local files: C:\wdisplay\webfiles\3dpie.gif
Local files: C:\wdisplay\webfiles\raindetail.gif
Local files: C:\wdisplay\webfiles\solardetail.gif
Local files: C:\wdisplay\webfiles\windtempraintrend.gif
Local files: C:\wdisplay\webfiles\windtempraintrend3d.gif
Local files: C:\wdisplay\webfiles\windtempraintrend9.gif
Local files: C:\wdisplay\webfiles\windtempraintrend3d9.gif
Local files: C:\wdisplay\webfiles\alltimerecords.gif
Local files: C:\wdisplay\webfiles\alltimerecordsmonth.gif
Local files: C:\wdisplay\webfiles\alltimerecordsyear.gif
Local files: C:\wdisplay\webfiles\dirplotmonth.gif
Local files: C:\wdisplay\webfiles\September2004.htm
Local files: C:\wdisplay\webfiles\yesterdaygraph.gif
Local files: C:\wdisplay\webfiles\48hourgraph.gif
Local files: C:\wdisplay\webfiles\72hourgraph.gif
Local files: C:\wdisplay\webfiles\monthtodate.gif
Local files: C:\wdisplay\webfiles\yesterdaygraph3.gif
Local files: C:\wdisplay\webfiles\9monthtodate.gif
Remote files: weekrep.htm
Remote files: weekgra.gif
Remote files: percentdir.gif
Remote files: 3dpie.gif
Remote files: raindetail.gif
Remote files: C:\wdisplay\webfiles\solardetail.gif
Remote files: windtempraintrend.gif
Remote files: windtempraintrend3d.gif
Remote files: windtempraintrend9.gif
Remote files: windtempraintrend3d9.gif
Remote files: alltimerecords.gif
Remote files: alltimerecordsmonth.gif
Remote files: alltimerecordsyear.gif
Remote files: dirplotmonth.gif
Remote files: September2004.htm
Remote files: yesterdaygraph.gif
Remote files: 48hourgraph.gif
Remote files: 72hourgraph.gif
Remote files: monthtodate.gif
Remote files: 20040908.gif
Remote files: 9monthtodate.gif
list of files uploaded*

FTPUPD.EXE finished at 00:14:26 09/09/2004
Time taken = 0.28 minutes
Total bytes uploaded = 303064 K
Total bytes uploaded for the month = 1258711963 K
FTPUPD.EXE started at 00:15:00 09/09/04

this is why it is not uploading i think
also there seems to be a delay of 4 minutes on the avg ext uploads i have main set at 00.10 log above started at 00.14
backup set at 00.36 and not uploading till 00.40

ah, found that bug…
it was ok for uploading in other scheduled uploads (like from the customise internet and file creation), just not in the daily extremes…that was a typo after doing a copy/paste

it will be ok for the next version

i was adding to my last post when you posted your reply so will not have seen the bottom of the post, any ideas

yes, i purposly added a 4 minute delay so that all the data from the a ws2010/ws2500 type statioin had arrived…to avoid problems with missing days

so if i put the time to 00.07 it should upload at 00.11, will this have a problem the the file creation which now appears to happen at 00.07

everything should be ok just by not touching any of those times…

i added the 4 minutes in the code, otherwise if i told people to do it, to fix the data loss problem…well, there was no gaurentee that would happen…