My Vantage Pro solar radiation is not correct plotted between de daylines see
it looks like there are 10 days for that plot, instead of 7
does it look ok though with the last 72 hour graph?
i will check what i have done in the code for the weekgra
but dont you guys have a midnight sun? LOL
one thing, make sure you have ticked, store the solar readings as extra temp #4 for grpahing, in the solar setup
check that…
, yes, and its also bung on the 48/72 hour graphs
its like i must be shifting the data along too quickly in the data record
what weather station type?
as here is one with a davis VP, and its OK:
Hi, I have a Vantage Pro with only a solar sensor, I have also ticked that options in stations setup. In solar sensor setup ticked store solar reading as temp#4 see below. (you don’t have to turn te lights on at night :lol: )
This is also on the mainscreengraph.
Thanks, and don’t hurry
your solar peak is very late in the afternoon…and the solar is not increasing until 12 noon?
is the time on the pc correct?
Hi, yes the pc-time is correct.
I show you here the vprealtimegraph, this seems like good.
something strange is going on
must be some combination of settings
i have not seen any other reports of this, excpet andy, and i never diod figure out why
has it always been like this?
if you could send me your configuration files
wdisplay.ini from c:\windows or c:\winnt and wdisplayftp.reg from the folder databackup, after going action, back up registry now
This problem is resolved with version 10.15f, it had something to do with using a Labjack for Lightningcounts
good news
yes, it was having the labjack in use, and wd assumed you were using the extra temperature sensor from a labjack as the solar, and bascily double dipping
good its ok now
my solar sensor finally arrived today, on my birthday of all days…but then it was too much rain for me to get it installed…so tomorrow
next I want to hook up soil temperature to my labjack,.,…i just need to get to town to get some cable…
:lol: :lol: Happy birthday Brian :lol: :lol:
Hi Brian,
Since you have also a VP solar sensor, I see that you have the same problem on your 24/48/72 week and month graphs.
Greetings, Ronald
hey, your right
i will see whats up!
(but been out all day, and have to go to a meeting tonight, then milking cows (relief milking) tomorrow morning…so might be 24 hours before i have time to fix it, LOL
i think i have found it
i will upload a new 10.15p
and start it running here
and i will know in a few days