Sunshine Hours Graph not updating

Ever since WD V10.17 crashed on me (whilst I was away for a few days) last Sunday the new sunshine hours graph is not being updating. i.e. we had lots of sun yesterday which WD logged but now today the sunshine hours for yesterday show 0, running V10.17p

check the log file

it will have a missing line of data
insert a new line of data
(i.e count the days to confirm that)
(but be careful, as ardvark caused problems when he did not keep the format the same as other lines

This is the file contents

It crashed in the early hours of Monday 20th and I was back & rebooted on 23rd it is now the 25th

Shoul I have 24 lines of data as the 25th is not up yet. I assume I should insert after the 0.0 0.0 lines neat the end

Sun shine hours ET
9.3 3.6
7.3 3.3
9.6 2.7
9.2 1.5
9.8 2.1
7.0 2.5
6.3 2.6
9.6 3.7
7.5 4.8
0.2 2.0
3.1 5.2
0.6 2.2
3.5 2.8
2.8 3.0
6.0 2.0
7.0 2.6
0.0 0.0
0.3 0.1
2.2 1.2
0.0 0.0
2.4 1.0
4.5 1.0

yes, you have missing data, so, yes, insert 2 lines

Yes that works ok

Many thanks