Sun hours not calculating

This started in 1020M. The sunshine hours will not calculate. When I got to the solar setup page and look at the “max radiation for lat/date” it is very low. Approximately 51 at 2 pm EST on a bright sunny day. After not changing anything on the page and “clicking” OK, the sunshine will show 100 % and when I go back to the “solar setup” page it is reading 265 and the sunshine hours will start calculating. I’m am running the latest version of 1020p. Strange. I’ve lost several days of sunshine hours while I was away. I have checked my lat and long settings. This was fine until version 1020M, at least for me.

Happy Holidays to all !!



not sure whats up there, (as i cant think of anything that has changed since 10.20m)
but is it like you have to first go to the solar setup screen to get it to work correctly?
(this is not happening to me since 10.20m (and I have not been viewing the solar setup screen)