Running WD on a standalone laptop, not connected to the net. so not downloading metars, or taking any net data.
The summary images I see are two, and only ever two.
Sunshine or stars, is that the only two I can ever expect to see??
It’s been raining for 24 hours but the summary image has shown bright sunshine or stars, wrong.
So is it possible for the summary image to follow local conditions.
I know I can select take the image from the sensing unit, but I don’t much care for that as it often shows cloud when it’s fine and dry, so it’s prediction mode isn’t brilliant.
Can I get a better summary image, or not, if not what setting should I be looking at?
it should work as you want it./…
you must have some settings wrong …
email me your settings…
Which file would like sent ?
wdisplay.ini from c:\windows or c:\winnt
wdisplayftp.reg from the databackup folder
i got Q’s settings,and he had the snow melt threshold set to a low number (I cant remember now, it was somethign like 7) instead of the default 50oC
i.e any rain recorded when the temperature is less than that threshold is treated as snow melt, and not rain for setting the icons
Have reset the setting, and will test it tomorrow, when more heavy rain is due.