Let me first state that I am a newbie at using WD.
The problem, Summary .gif will not upload using the Custom Internet File Creation and Upload feature.
Other files, wx.html, wdfulldata.xml, raindetail.jpg, trends.jpg all upload every 30 minutes as I selected and appear on my remote server. This tells me the FTP is properly setup.
I have the Summary.gif selected to update every 30 minutes and upload every 30 minutes.
Override switched to “on”
it might be that its wanting and should be uploading summary.jpg
i.e check if you have ticked to use .jpg , in the summary image and icon setup
also, check under view, ftp log, view full log, to see the files actualy uploaded there
i.e it might be that the remote file name in the summary image and icon setup is wrong
also, check under view, program errror log for any error there