Summary.gif sunrise/sunset icons

Brian, when you have time can you check this out - no rush.

at sunrise the icon is “hidden” behind the current conditions icon, and at sunset the current conditions icon is peeking out from behind the sunset icon - some kind of misalignment?

this is when you do not have the sunrise/sunset to appear as a separate icon (which is my preferred setting)

example images


i have done some work in that area
try the latest beta version

will do - thanks Brian

unfortunately still occurring in 10.15b

Hi Brian,

do any of the latest versions of WD fix this little issue?


Hi Brian,

now running 10.17

sunrise/sunset icons nicely lined up now - cheers for that - one little problem remains - the sunrise icon needs to be given priority so it is shown over the normal icon - currently it hides behind?!


so i still dont have this right
i will have to do some “forced sunrise/ set manuvours”