Suggestion for future modifications (perhaps an improvement?)

Finally I think I have the right forum, apologies to the WD guys who had to set me straight.

Here goes, here.

The WDL is a great program and keeps getting tweaked to make it more sophisticated. Here is my suggestion for consideration of a future feature:

My motivation for this suggestion comes from enjoyment I get from watching the interaction of various weather parameters. For example, if a front moves through, there is a drop in pressure and the temperature or wind direction change becomes more obvious when these features are plotted together.

The main screen has a graph choice. When chosen, the graphing function displays one item at a time.

How about this: When initially choosen, have the graph function come up as is, but along the bottom where the drop down box allows choosing which parameter to display and for what time period (live, 1 hour, 24 hours, etc.), add a second drop down box to the right, with the “close” option in between these two drop down boxes.

Initially the right hand box will default to NONE, which means only one item, based on the left hand box’s choice is displayed. The other choices in the right hand box would be filtered based on the time frame chosen in the left hand box, that is if the wind speed for 24 hours is chosen, the only items available in the right hand drop down would be all the 24 hour graphs. IF one of those is then selected, the scaled range is displayed on the right verticle axis, and the second graph overlaid onto the already displayed graph. This would allow a visual display of the combined events.

Would this be hard to program or implement in the future?
Thanks for considering this.


Nice idea. I think the limitation is going to be with the graphing component as I don’t think it can display 2 graphs with different scales, I think the scale has to be common. I’ll check though. The other alternative would be to display 2 graphs but that might not be what you want?


I didn’t know how Flash generates graphs etc. I know it is quite versatile, but haven’t had the time to open a book on it and page through.

Two graphs would perhaps become a bit more cluttered, and then the overlap of the two parameters would not be quite as dramatic as seeing them both together.

I know when the WxDisplay charts the barometer and windspeed togther on the same graph the relationship is quite clear. Even with the temperature and rain graphs directly below on his main page, it isn’t quite as nice as both on the same chart.

Well, you get my intended suggestion. As the programmer you will know how easy it would be (if at all possible) to make both plots come up on the same graph.

I’ll keep thinking for other ideas for you to spend your time on!


Ad a button on the bottom where you can put the weather forecast.
Wheater warnings can be displayed now but they are not ok.