Suggested future feature

How about the facility to automatically download an image from one site on the web and upload it to another web site under a new file name, not storing the orignal past the next update time but overwriting the original file. :idea:

Check out the “Capture Forecast at a glance” thread in Questions. The windows macro programs mentioned therein can do this.

Many Thanks,
I did see these but was trying to take the lazy out.
Besides I really don’t like macro’s

there is the http download function in WD
and then you can use the general ftp function to upload that downloaded file, and upload it as a different file name, and to a different web server too

Trouble is the downloaded file is written with a new filename each time the file is downloaded eg. filename.jpg, filename2.jpg…which makes automatic download/then upload using the features you sugest impractical.

no, thats not the case
Those numebers are there so you can view the image animated, under view, downloaded images,
but the current image file is always there, with no number attached
(the other numbered images get shuffled along with each download)

Hi Brian,
Either I got the wrong end of the stick, or as is more likely I did not explain myself, I’ll set up another down load for a few days and see if the source file after download updates with the orignal web image {or at least when WD next downloads}
Thanks Robert :!: