Streaming Video

Is there a reference spot to get details on how to use WD’s streaming video feature? I am looking at all of my options for video and would like to understand more about this option. Can it be live, just one camera, etc.-

yeah, i am yet to find time to do a help on this
but its quite easy:
tick to use streaming web cam
and then click on start, and then tick to do auto
thats about it (and make sure the main web cam switch is ON, and the file creation switch is ON (and set a file name (jpg and gif)
then you just need to make it available to others
I set my router to enable virutal http port 80 (i just had to tick that, then edit it by setting my pc’s IP number)
then I am using (dynamic dns) to handle my changing IP address, and a free program to update that auto
is the result

How do I view the Streaming Video on the local computer? If I could be pointed in the right direction that would help.

that bits easy
in the web cam setup
it will say something like
streaming URL: mms://WEATHERDISPLAYM:80

so what ever it sets as the URL
you just put that into your browser URL (just that, no http:// etc)

so then you have the latest streaming live web cam image viewable in that window when ever you want to see it (i.e leave it minimised)
thats neat me thinks

Hi zl3gp,
easy. In internet explorer, type in the address fiel, mms://localhost:3486 if 3486 is the port number (you can find in your streaming configuration) Usually, it’s 0, but i prefer to fix it at a specific port.
Hope this help. 8O

Thank you. I now have it working. I can keep an eye on the neighbours with this!! :smiley:

I can view the pic from all the computers on the local network.