Stopped raining, Not working properly

Hi Brain and everyone. I’ve been using Weather Display for a few months now and have rarely ever see the Stopped raining feature work. I’m been doing some expermenting lately and here’s what I see happening. If the humidity is higher than 85%, the summary image will only display humid, even if it should say stopped raining. I just had some recent rainfall and my humidity is hovering around 86%. The summary image says humid.
If I calibrate the humidity to read below 85%, the summary image then displays Stopped raining. I recalibrated it back to above 85% again and the summary image switches back to Humid. Down here in Florida the humidity is always high and this feature never seems to work for me. Would appreciate some help with this.

PS If I restart WD, the summary image starts out by saying
stopped raining and within a minute switches back to humid.

Thanks, Billy

What are your settings in SETUP, CONTROL PANEL, SUMMARY IMAGE/ICONS on the right hand side ?

i have found and fixed some things to do with the stopped raining,…
so maybe try the latest version of WD
but , yes, what time intervals do you have set in the summary image and icon setup for stopped raining, recent rain,etc?

i have inlcuded some help on this in the new wd help file
(see the link on the bottom left hand corner of the new web site :slight_smile:

I went to the help file from the front page of the WD site, but it is in German!

i have re uploaded that file now

for some strange reason, it had been deleted off the web site…maybe Florian did that, the web master, when he was cleaning things up, LOL

Hi all. Downloaded the new version and checked out the help file at the updated Weather Display site. Looks nice Brian and thanks for the quick support again. Still having the same trouble though. I had a couple of bouts with rain today and still having no luck with Stopped raining. I have used the default settiings and changed them too in experimenting. But I normally have them set as follows…

10 Minutes to check back for rain to set icon
5 minutes to check back for recent rain
120 mintues to check back for its stopped raining

I’ll do an experiment with you right now. I had rain approx 5 hours ago and my humidity is currently running at 84%. If I advance check back for stopped raining to check back to 360 minutes, it should display stopped raining because my humidity is now 84%. OK making the change and it now it says stopped raining and I give it a few minutes and it still stays. Now I know if i calibrate my humidiy to go above 85%, stopped raining should switch to back to Humid. Making the change now, humidity is now 86% and stopped raining is gone. Now reading says humid. So somehow the Humid setting is overriding the stopped raining feature. I experimented this way many times and get the same result each time.


email me your datafile, latest.inf and 24hourrain.inf
(when its not working correct)
and I will see if i can fix this for you

Right now it’s not working correctly. I just had a shower 90 mins ago and
am set to show stopped raining for 120 mins and it’s showing Humid.
Humidity currently is at 91%. I’m going to have a problem getting you those files because I’m just not that familiar with computers to do that without help. I did just copy the entire WD program folder file and exported the wdisplayftp.ini to a disk while the problem was occurring
so I do believe I have it saved. Just going to need help finding those files.


so, what you realy need is the for the “its humid” to not override the raining (or stopped raining) icon/conditions?
i can add that as an option

Yes I believe that would do it. I would like to have stopped raining have priority over reporting humid condition. Then when the set time for stop raining expires, then it reports Humid condition if it’s still is, which it ususally is here in Florida lol.


Hey I’m not sure if this is the end of the thread but just wanted to say Thank You and could you let me know if and when you update that by replying to this thread? Looking forward to that option :slight_smile:


i have it now so that the humid only will show if the stopped raining is not going to show
I will upload a new version in the next few hours, 10.15h
for you to use

Thank You Brian! It’s working perfectly now. I got the new version installed just in time for a fast moving shower that only dropped .04". As soon as it ended, the summary image switched to Stopped raining even though my humidity is discustingly high lol. Without a doubt, you have just given me the best customer service experience I ever had :smiley: .


thats good :slight_smile:
i know others have noticed this, but you gave me good details on what was happening, and that was the important thing!
good work on your web site too!

A quick add on to this topic, i’ve had a lot of dew lately, in which triggers the buckets in rain gauge. Therefor been getting a lot of 0.25mm readings in the morning (Ignore first rain of day is not working, i’ll check against Weatherlink later).

Is it possible to have an option for stopped raining for lets say 0.30 mm or less.


i will work on that ignore first rain of the day soon :slight_smile:

Wow, just looking over this thread and it appears that I was one surprised and happy camper after that adjustment lol. I still am, but really wasn’t expecting such a good outcome with the little experience I have with computers and weather stations. Forums are new to me too. Well except over in Mr Eds VWS forum where my first and last troubleshooting experience with him was a bad one. My few experiences with you and this forum have been quite the opposite and just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate the help and how much more l like your program than VWS. Thanks for the comment about my website. Looking at yours and others has been a great help to me too as I don’t have much webpage building experience either. Anyway, no need to reply to this post. Will catch you another time. Thanks again and take care all.
