Steelseries Gauges for WD

I’m not sure what you have done Keith, but when it reaches the timeout limit, it displays the timeout message, but then the whole page reloads itself!

Ah, I see, in your HTML header you have:

So the page reloads every 300 seconds and of course restarts the timer.

Hey Mark!

We’ve got a little weirdness going on here in Phoenix. My current dew is 3


I have embedded my gauges within one of my web pages [ weather.htm]( weather.htm). When I embed the code into my website the gauges become all squashed together. I was wondering what part of the code controls the space and placement of the dials? I do have some of my own CSS in the page that controls the header.


Code is the same as you posted and I am using Version 0.10.2b.
Translations for Falling and Winddirections are present and correct.
Anything else I can look at?

This is a problem with the windspeed dial, not the winddirections dial, winddirection is translated here.
Does that make any difference?

Argh! I forgot all about that line of code in my personal “template”! Thanks for doing my debug
for me… :oops: I’ll fix that and then try again.


Those of us WD users who have successfully implemented the Steelseries Gauges now pretty much know what changes to cut and paste into any new version of gauges.js, and you’ve spotlighted them. The only suggestion I have is that you include, in addition to the ‘var g_realTimeURL’ clientrawextra.txt line, a commented out ‘var g_tipImgs’ section with the common images that WD wxgraph users would employ:

var g_tipImgs = [["temp+hum_24hr.php", "indoor_temp_24hr.php"],       		// Temperature: outdoor, indoor
                 ["temp+dew+hum_1hr.php","temp+dew+hum_1hr.php","temp+dew+hum_1hr.php","temp+dew+hum_1hr.php","temp+dew+hum_1hr.php"],  // Temperature: dewpnt, apparent, windChill, HeatIndx, humidex
                 "rain_24hr.php",                                       // Rainfall
                 "rain_1hr.php",                                        // Rainfall rate
                 ["humidity_1hr.php", "humidity_7days.php"],            // Humidity: outdoor, indoor
                 "baro_24hr.php",                                       // Pressure
                 "windgust_1hr.php",                                    // Wind speed
                 "winddir_24hr.php",                                     // Wind direction
                                                                                      //Only one each of the following two alternative settings for UV and Solar should be enabled:
//               "uv_24hr.php",                                            // UV if  UV sensor is present
                 null,                                                              // UV
//              "solar_24hr.php"                                          // Solar rad if Solar sensor is present
                 null                                                               // Solar rad

would be a suggestion.

Many thanks for all your hard work!

Yes, that just about covers it, plus minor changes within ddimgtooltip.css


I’ve had another look and cannot see a problem in the code, can you provide a link to your page again please?

OK, no problem, I can do that.

Windspeeddial shows no translation for winddirection.
Winddirectiondial shows translation for winddirection.
Barometerdial shows no translations for trends.
Rising - Stijgend
Steady - Constant
Falling - Dalend

Translations for winddirections (Windrichting) in Dutch are as follows:

coords : ["N", "NNO", "NO", "ONO", "O", "OZO", "ZO", "ZZO", "Z", "ZZW", "ZW", "WZW", "W", "WNW", "NW", "NNW"],
    compass : ["N", "NO", "O", "ZO", "Z", "ZW", "W", "NW"],


Right got it now.

The Wind Direction gauges is showing “ZZW” at the moment which is correctly translated.

The Wind Speed gauge is showing “SW” at the moment which is not translated.

The cause:

The wind direction gauge uses degree values for the ‘latest’ and ‘average’ values, which I then convert into localised compass points.

The wind speed gauge gets todays max gust direction as a compass point in the ccr file, so it appears in the language that WD is using.

Cumulus only supplies the max gust direction as a compass point, I’d have to check if WD can supply in degrees.

OK, removing that line has solved the problem; the timeout works as programmed.




New one for you!! Brian is working very hard to improve the Mac version of WD. I use a Mac and currently use Virtual Box to run windows on my machine. Anyway very recently Brian assisted me with getting the mac version running very well. If I run it however it breaks my main page because something with the ccr is getting messed up. Here is what it produces…

{"date":"11:43 PM","dateFormat":"m/d/y%","temp":"35.6","tempTL":"35.6","tempTH":"36.3","intemp":"70.","dew":"19.","dewpointTL":"18.1","dewpointTH":"21.4","apptemp":"30.4","apptempTL":"28.8","apptempTH":"33.8","wchill":"33.0","wchillTL":"30.1","heatindex":"35.6","heatindexTH":"36.3","humidex":"29.2","wlatest":"7.0","wspeed":"3.3","wgust":"12.0","wgustTM":"12.0","bearing":"297","avgbearing":"274","press":"29.677","pressTL":"29.642","pressTH":"29.677","pressL":"29.642","pressH":"29.677","rfall":"0.00","rrate":"0.00","rrateTM":"0.000","hum":"51","humTL":"48","humTH":"55","inhum":"28","SensorContactLost":"0","forecast":"","tempunit":"F","windunit":"mph","pressunit":"inHg","rainunit":"in","temptrend":"-0.6","TtempTL":"11:39 PM","TtempTH":"10:03 PM","TdewpointTL":"9:53 PM","TdewpointTH":"11:24 PM","TapptempTL":"10:04 PM","TapptempTH":"10:45 PM","TwchillTL":"10:03 PM","TheatindexTH":"10:03 PM","TrrateTM":"","ThourlyrainTH":"%maxhourrnt%","LastRainTipISO":"----","hourlyrainTH":"%maxhourrn%","ThumTL":"9:53 PM","ThumTH":"11:24 PM","TpressTL":"9:53 PM","TpressTH":"11:42 PM","presstrend":"Rising","presstrendval":"+0.081 ","Tbeaufort":"%bftmaxgustlast24hrnum%","TwgustTM":"11:40 PM","windTM":"12.0","bearingTM":"WSW","timeUTC":"2012,03,05,04,43,36","BearingRangeFrom10":"%mindir10minute%","BearingRangeTo10":"%maxdir10minute%","UV":"0.0","SolarRad":"0","CurrentSolarMax":" 0","SolarTM":"0","version":"10.37L","build":"97","ver":"6"}

So I see the date formate problem again which I’m sure Brian can fix. Also the time of last rain leaves a blank spot. Can you see any way to quick fix this?



What do i need to fix re which custom tag re mav version?

The %datefmt% and %dateoflastrainalways%%timeoflastrainalways% and I’m not sure yet but possibly the forecast tag.


From that ccr, the following tags either do not work, or look a little ‘odd’ (missing decimal)

"dateFormat":"m/d/y%",          // %datefmt%
"intemp":"70.",                 //%indoortemp%
"dew":"19.",                    // %dew%
"forecast":"",                  // %dailywarning/forecast%
"TrrateTM":"",                  // %maxrainratetime%
"LastRainTipISO":"----",        // %dateoflastrainalways%%timeoflastrainalways%


Does anybody know if there is another option for configuring? This link appears to be broken.

Thanks Andy


See here:


Thanks Tony

I just finished playing around with the look of my gauges and settled on a GLOSSY_METAL frame, a TURNED background, a BLACK TYPE11 pointer with a STANDARD lcd color that I think fit in with my gray and black theme a little better than the standard ones: It’s a matter of taste after all, so if I can’t please everybody, I should at least be able to please myself. YMMV.