SteelSeries - 1.6.x Discussion

Ah, it may be that the latest version of the script does not work with the ‘alt’ version of the web page - I have to admit I haven’t tried it for a while. Please try using the full gauges-ssT.htm - hint the ‘T’ signifies it is a ‘template’ file used/processed by Cumulus, the production name would normally be just “gauges-ss.htm”

To use the ‘alt’ page, you will definitely need to disable the UV and Solar gauges in the script as they are not present on the page.

Afternoon again,

Perhaps I haven’t got WD’s export settings correct for the customclientraw / clientraw files, I don’t know.
But now I get a Weather Forecast (presumably from my Vantage Vue) in the long narrow top band, with 60 seconds alongside it…

Is there a simple-to-follow “Walkthough” of the procedure to follow step-by-step to configure both WD and the ccr / cr files to enable these gauges to work?

Very Best Wishes,

OK, I’ll just try that… one sec!


I now have the gauges showing data, although the chart images that would normally show (when someone else has done this, and not me!) do not, just image borders. What files need to be uploaded to show those charts?

Also… our current ‘Live Data’ page - fed by WDL shows things such as cloud level, etc.
Can that be represented in a mixed page showing these gauges and also other elements? Can the refresh rate also be changed from 60 seconds?

Thanks once again for all of your help and advice.

Very Best Wishes,


TYou need to set the paths correctly for the graphs (in the script) and the CSS (in the HTML)

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The update interval is at the top of the script (g_count), I suggest you re-read the readme file, there is some information in there.

As for combining with other pages, I’ll leave that to others, I have enough to do supporting the gauges :wink:

Can I make a suggestion that people start a new topic for their queries/problems, otherwise we end up with one huge unmanageable/readable beast of the thread.

Thank you - I’ll give that go :).

Very Best Wishes,


Do you have the wxgraphs series installed on your server? That’s where these images all come from. It is typically contained within its own directory, so the path in gauges.js would be something like…

var g_imgPathURL = “…/wxgraphs/”;


Erm, no I don’t - can you advise me on where I’d get them please?

Very Best Wishes,

At #4

Hear hear! I’m on the verge of unnotifying this thread due to the volume of completely unnecessary notifications.

I know I sound like a grumpy old man but all these questions have been asked before, and can all be answered using proper searches in the forum.

  1. Go to Broadstairs’ home page to download the file.

I know my native language isn’t english but that’s a # 4 right there. :lol:

So true, if you had used the search engine you would have found out about the forecast ticker.

Indeed Simon, I am one of those ‘old grumpy old man’ … or rather a person quickly lacking patience with people’s attitude! 8)

It appears that the same laziness that exist in most other forums also exist in the Weather-Watch forums … where many people cannot be bothered to search for previous (same or very similar) threads or even bothered to read threads for which links have been posted…

As you (or someone else) previously indicated, most of the answers seek here have already been answered in the Steelseries Gauges for WD forum thread. :roll:

Firstly, to call someone lazy without knowing what I looked for or indeed how I looked for it is rather rude, and condescending.

As a reply by someone else to the first ‘grumpy’ posts commented - searching would have found that complainee’s answers. Indeed, a search of that complainee’s posts revealed a whole host of recent ‘How do you’ and similar posts…

If the person - in this case me - does not know what to look for then how is my asking a question or three- in a general discussion thread causing a few people so much anguish? I’m sure each and every one of you started off the same way (no doubt you’ll deny it, I’m sure. :wink: )

I’m member of several other forums on a wide and disparate variety of subjects. I am even a moderator and administrator on a few of them. As a whole, we are only too happy to offer friendly advice and help to new users.

At the end of the day, if you do not like to receive an inordinate amount of reply notifications to a thread, then use the delete key.

Thanks for your understanding, and also thanks to the folks here who have actually given me some help and advice.

I’ll not reply to this thread again asking for help and advice…

In SteelSeries Announcements, Mark wrote: -

“One fix that you may want to incorporate soon, v1.6.5 downloads the humidity graph every realtime update cycle rather than every 15 minutes (default). The change if you just want to edit your existing file is line 1336, changes from:
Code: [Select]
if (g_showPopupDataGraphs && g_tipImgs[4][0] !== null) {
Code: [Select]
if (g_refreshGraphs && g_showPopupDataGraphs && g_tipImgs[4][0] !== null) {”

Is this change to gauges.js (which I have done) the only difference from 1.6.5 (plus of course the replacement clientrawlocal.txt file)?



Great, thanks Mark,

Don’t think I can face all that customisation again! #-o



We are supposed to start getting a lot of rain tonight and tomorrow, so you may be able to check on the rain rate.

Appreciate all your hard work.

The dewpoint gauge also features, amonst others, “Apparent” and “Humidex”. These terms are uncommon in France and thus wish to hide them from the selection options. Concurrently, I wish to default to “Dew Point”. Anyone willing to guide me how to change the default from Apparent to Dewpoint.
Dick Wismeijer