Steel Gauges change from 15 Seconds

After many years my service provider is blocking my IP now so I need to change the refreshrate of the clientraw data from 15 seconds to something like every five minutes. Anyone have any idea how I go about this?


Not sure what you want to do: change the frequency of clientraw upload by WD or change the refresh time in gauges?

I need to change the ftp upload time so the connection is about 5 mins rather than every 15 seconds

Control Panel > Real Time FTP > bottom right:

Then check around line 40 of gauges.js for realtimeInterval

Great I will see how this works the ftp blocking on the site

Just tried it and it clientrawrealtimeftp is still uploading every 15 seconds, which now blocks me on my webspace provider. I changed both the realtime ftp settings to 600 seconds and the gauges.js

Silly question do I need to upload the gauges.js after changing it to 600 seconds? I assume I do, just didn’t want make things worse

Your query was about SS gauges, which use customclientraw, so I pointed you to the bottom right of the page. If you want clientraw uploaded less frequently as well there is a setting top left: Delay between uploading data (seconds).

And you have to restart WD after every change you make to that page.

Yes, to the scripts directory.

Excellent, will take a look this evening

I have changed the above but clientraw ftp is still uploading data at at i minute intervals whish is causing my IP to be blocked by the provider as its timing out

I do not know if WD has a limit on the update frequency or not, but I would have thought even a 1 minute interval is too long for a live display.

I would think about changing your provider.

Yes considering this and have informed them, it wasn’t an issue before I used to upload data every 15 seconds for years and now its a problem

You could try
In webfiles setup check the location of the clientraw files in setup 1 then go to real time and turn the switch to off then in ftp connections use the general ftp setup to upload the files from the the location you looked at for the files you may also need to kill the clientrawftp if it’s still running as that should not be running

I have put the above in place on WD, just waiting for my IP to be unblocked again to test…