Stationless and Metar

I am trying WD stationless with METAR while awaiting delivery of my Davis. I am getting downloaded METAR data and producing a clientraw.txt file. The problem is the main WD display never updates and the client viewer also never reflects new data. My main WD display has been showing 62 deg for the last 2 days. The little data recieved/data quality lights at the bottom of WD main desplay shows both green and the counter there is over 400,000. Any ideas?


some checks points:
the main internet switch is on, in the connections setup
you have ticked to use the weather data from the metar, in the ftp download/metar setup (and you have a metar selected to use)
can you get me a screen shot of the setup?

I have attached the first of three screen snaps 2 more to follow. The last is the main WD display showing flat line graphs and temp of 62.

Screen SNap 2 of 3

Screen #3 of Three. Thanks for your help.

best thing:
email me your settings:
i.e, in wd, go action, back up registry entry now
then email me the files, wdisplay.ini and wdisplayftp.reg
from the folder databackup
and then I can try from here :wink:

Just emailed them. Thanks for the help.


i have your settings
a few mistakes

in the connections setup
you need to have ticked, use weather displays own ftp
then, go to the client/server setup
then untick, use the clientraw.txt file from this location, then click on OK

that fixes it

Thanks. I changed the settings, exited WD, re-booted and re-started. It seems to be reading the METAR now.

Below the digital clock in the lower center screen, there are two small squares marked Data Received and Data Quality. There is a counter also. My data received square is red with the counter at 625. Can you explain these please?

I have dedicated and old P II to WD exclusively (oh and WIN98se). Right now I use METAR/Stationless to learn the software. Next week my Davis Vaptage Pro 2 arrives. I want to run the client on my laptop and access WD over my home network. When the Vantage Pro 2 arrives it will replace the stationless mode.
What steps do I take to set up the client on my laptop to see the WD data on the old P II? Aall are on my local wireless LAN.

Thanks tremendously