I just upgraded from a crappy ws-2310 to a Vantage Pro 2. The wind updates every 2.5 seconds and I’ve noticed that WD doesn’t appear to keep up with all the changes. Example… wind 5 next reading 9 next reading 14 next 6. Watching the main screen of WD would show something like 5,9,6 and it would miss a reading. Is there something I can do to make it quicker or is it reading all and just not showing it up on the screen. Ie only logging the data so it would appear in the graph.
i have the console sitting right next to my screen, VP1, and its OK
what can happen is at times there is 2 very quick readings in succesion,and unless you were watching the screen all the time, you would miss that…
at least that is what It does for me here (VP1)
also, I have just checked my console, and the month to date max gust matches WD month to date max gust (44 knots), and the year to date max gust matches WD all time records (i.e year to date, since I started it here with my VP), of 46 knots, and the daily speed for today is also the same (33k knots), so, no windspeed data has been lost for me here (and we get lots of wind here!)
This is in contrast to what Gary has put in his review (which is a bit disapointing and misleading)