My weather station is looking forward to getting a real soaking and wind battering over the next 2 days - a vigorous low that is “unusual for summer” is making its way up over France to give southern UK some real nasty weather.
so the rain and wind totals from weather stations in the south will be interesting to observe.
I will report here how much rain is received. Some places will get 2 inches.
My 7 year old son asked a couple of weeks ago if summer had ended. I don’t think the weather will be as bad up here in Blackpool as you’ll get it, but he may well ask the same thing tomorrow!
23 June was a wet day at my site 59mm for day that is the wettest since i started recording rainfall in march 2001 previous wettest was 43mm as for today sunny all day
It’s interesting that the news is showing trucks blown over by the wind, yet the promised low doesn’t seem to have hit.
Your pressure has dropped by around 15mb in the last 24 hours, but it’s still over 1000mb both on your system and on the Isle of Wight. I guess it’s always possible that an incredibly narrow low pressure zone has slipped between you and the IoW!
No sign of it here yet. There was a brief period of strong wind at around 17:30 this afternoon, but nothing much since and the barometer is relatively steady here.
The low is moving into the North Sea now - perhaps not a deep low (around the 1000mb mark) but still brought chaos to southern england - but Bristol seems to have been spared the worst.
My station recorded just over an inch of rain in a 10 hour period and quite strong winds. Other parts of the south fared worse. But definitely not wanted in Summer!!!
yes we have had a few unusual storms this year - here in Jersey we had the first gales for 28 years in July and then again in August. Currently being battered by a vigourous LP which originated in the Bay of Biscay. Wind speeds less than I thought but caught a bit of rain today. Wind sensor on top of 2 meter pole which is on top of three storey house facing the SW of the Atlantic - nothing in the way either which is kewl.