Some Questions for a modified WS2305 with WD 10.15


Iam using a WS 2305 and try to do some tests with WD 10.15 but there are some things that i dont understand.

I using a bigger rain sensor so my new calibration Factor in the station is now 0,131(default 0.518). I write this back to the station with a little program called WS2300 Statistik from Rainer Stein so the Station shows the correct Values when it rains. I dont know where WD reads the Data from the station when WD is online with the station. How can i get the correct Data into WD.

Next is the Datalogger Setup, there is no way to set the rain offset but think here display the station the original Values.

I think so because i have to set the rain offset in WSWIN to 0,262 to get the same data as the display from the station shows.

when i set the factor in WD to 0,131 WD newer show rain.

i hope o find help

Sorry for my bad english but i do my best.



you will need to set a new modified rain tip, in the offsets setup screen, as


but, i have forgoten to use that in the data extract at start up rain
so i will have to add that, in the next version

hi Brian,

so that i understand you correct. i will try your example with my data next time it rain so we will see it works.

but at the moment there is no way to set a value to correct the data from the datalogger. and you will take it in your next version.

is that right?

when did i know in wich version it is implemented?


uploading a new beta now
i will let you know when its ready

try the latest beta version now

Hi Brian,

thanks a lot, i will download the new beta and we will see.

i send you a feed back ASAP.
