Some local files not updating

For a couple of weeks (at least that’s when I first noticed it) some of my files have not been updating or updating spordically. A number of files that should update periodically are not updating. Specifically my customtextout.txt and summary.gif files are not being updated. I use these files extensively. I noticed yesterday that the had stopped updating just after 13:00 hours. Starting and stopping Weather Display or a warm reboot did not correct the problem. Only after powering down the computer would everything update normally.
Now again today, the summary.gif file last updated at 13:20 (set to update every 15 minutes) and the customtextout.txt file last updated at 13:20 (set to update every minute). Today, even a power down and cold restart does not correct the problem. Everything on the normal Weather Display screen updates as expected so it does not appear the software is locked up in any way and communications with my dallas 1-wire setup seems OK. I am running the latest version 10.15o


what is your web site URL, as that might shed some light on what might be happening, for me, if i can see how things look (like hour time bars, etc)

I got it working by doing an un-install and re-install. Whatever was messed up in the registry or ini file got fixed by doing this. It has been working fine since I did this.

Thanks anyhow!!
